Name: Katie/Commander/What-have-you
Age: Physically: 20. Mentally: probably less than half that
Gender: Female, despite how short I want my hair cut
Pick four words (nouns, verbs, adjectives, a four-word sentence, anything!) that describe you: Confusing. Weakling. Random. Cupcakes.
Are you...
A leader or a follower: Normally I'd LOVE to be a follower, however, I get pushed into leadership positions often. I have no idea why.
Pessimistic or optimistic: Normally optomistic, despite my efforts to the contrary...
Adventurous or cowardly: It kinda depends, actually. I love to hike, ride roller coasters and other extreme rides, etc... but in social situtations I'm actually pretty cowardly.
Logical or creative: Derh... both? I guess? ^^;
Selfish or selfless: Pretty selfless. I'll usually drop whatever it is I'm doing to help a friend.
Alert or oblivious: Normally oblivious :D
Athletic or lethargic: Lethargic. I've been tired for about seven years now.
Extroverted or introverted: Introverted, although with friends I can get pretty loud and rambunctious.
What famous figure do you most identify with and why? ...I honestly can't think of anything here. I really can't.
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? Australia. My family likes to travel, and Australia looks beautiful, and I've never been there before.
What do you do like to do for fun? Read, write, draw, scrapbook, watch DVDs, kareoke with friends, play with my nieces
What genres of music, movies, television, etc. do you enjoy the most? Music: Classical and classic rock; movies: musicals, but I love just about every type of movie there is except stupid teen comedies and gross-out horror films; TV: cartoons and other so-called "kiddy" shows, although I'm also fond of British humor and a few mystery shows.
Music is the heart and soul of Fraggle Rock. What Fraggle Rock song do you most identify with and why (You can check out any FR lyrics database if you're unsure of the song lyrics)? I'm only a very, VERY recent fan of Fraggle Rock, and I've only seen the first season, so I'm not sure if I can really answer this one. The three Fraggle songs I have on my iPod are the theme, Follow Me, and the Friendship Song, so there you have it... :)
If you could ask Madame Trash Heap only one thing, what would it be? "How can I be more productive?" She'd probably give me a cryptic answer, I'm sure...
What job would you pick for your Thirty-Minute Work Week? (This doesn't have to be limited to established jobs in Fraggle Rock.) Librarian! I could organize all the Fraggle books and records! That would be awesome.
Finally, what kind of an award would you give yourself on Trophy Day? Trophy for not doing anything the longest. Oh wait, that was on SpongeBob. Uh, a trophy for... uh... a trophy for... having too many DVDs? For being a lazy bum? Meh. I dunno.
OPTIONAL: Post a picture of you being yourself. (This doesn't even have to be a photo! Be creative: express yourself in a photo, painting, drawing, whatever!)
Here's the real me...
and here's a reimagining of me, drawn crummily by yours truly:
http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/17767728/ I know EXACTLY who I'm going to get, but I might as well post my application anyway...