Title: T.I.S.Y. is Dizzy
Pairing: Ikuta Toma/Yamashita Shoon
Rating: g
Summary: Drabble. Shoon and Toma have a temporary group. Totally crack. Totally from a random conversation with
funkysparksDisclaimer: Still not owning people. Ever.
Toma couldn’t help but allow his heart to soar when he saw the cast of the drama he would be starring in. His eyes went instantly to another name after following his own on the scrip. Yamashita. He would be working with his best friend once more. And the two were going to even have their own temporary group. He didn’t mind that they were temporary. Johnny would never tear apart NEWS like he did to 4Tops, and Toma knew this. They were a popular group. Yamapi was successful. Toma was proud.
But temporary was good. He would temporarily spend countless hours with his friend once more. He would temporarily work with him again. He would temporarily have him back.
That’s why he couldn’t help but frown when he walked into the dressing room to find Yamashita Shoon flipping through the script rather than Yamapi snoring in the corner. He should have known better. Perhaps Yamapi was just too successful for Toma. He should have called Yamapi to ask rather than wait until now.
“Hi Ikuta-kun,” Shoon looked up from the papers and gave Toma a polite smile. Toma waved back uneasily, still slightly upset. “Are you excited about the show?”
“Very,” Toma took the seat beside Shoon and looked around the empty dressing room. “Where is everyone?” The hurt wouldn’t ebb away. Was this a joke? Did Johnny pair the two of them up to remind them of where they belonged? They would temporarily have each other and then what? Shoon had many options of groups he could debut with but wasn’t placed anywhere. While Toma... He didn’t even know what would happen anymore.
“They’re at a meeting right now. Trying to decide what our duo’s ‘look’ should be. There’s definitely going to be purple in it,” Shoon wrinkled his nose in disgust and set down the script on the dresser in front of him. “What’s our name going to be?”
“You mean what are we going to be known as? ‘The Ones Left Behind’? ‘The Castaways’?” Toma crossed his arms and leaned back into the seat. He noticed Shoon’s slightly hurt expression and softened his appearance. “Listen. It’s not that I don’t like the idea of working with you. You’re a great guy. It’s just... This is clearly for pity.”
“I know,” Shoon nodded in agreement and took a seat beside the older man. “But let’s prove them wrong.”
“Hm?” Toma raised an eyebrow.
“Let’s prove to everyone who thinks we weren’t not good enough to debut that we’re amazing. That we’re hard working and talented.”
Toma couldn’t help but smile at the other’s optimism. When did he lose his own? He ruffled Shoon’s hair and earned a half hearted glare. “Okay kid. You’re on.”
T.I.S.Y., pronounced ‘dizzy’ because Johnny was determined to make acronyms work, became a big hit after their first single was released. Their fanbase was rapidly growing because of their sense of humor, work ethic and spunk. Even debuted groups would congratulate the two. But Toma still didn’t believe that they would debut together, mainly because of their age difference. Yet he was still glad that the duo could succeed regardless. Like they stood a chance in the industry that puts everything and everyone on pedestals. And he always thought they deserved it.
Challenge: Someone write a fic where Massu joins this duo temporarily.... NOW. =)