Fandom: TMNT-FRAGMENT'verse
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Drama
Summary: FOR MISS KAY!!! Miller/Leo-ish ... mostly just the musings of an old detective.
It’s an odd feeling, wrapping bandage around thick muscle and bone covered by scarred green skin. He won’t even get into the strange logistics about having to maneuver around plastron and carapace. Funny, he never even knew what those words were before … well… before. Before his life and career seemingly garnered one single pin-prick of light to follow in dark times. A single, giant-mutated-turtle-man pin-prick of light.
The aged cop chuckled a bit under his breath. As a result, he could feel the dark, honey eyes of his guest questioning him. He’d known this creature named Hamato Leonardo for nearly two years now. Slow as creeping molasses, they’d grown to understand and trust each other. Sharing little bits about their lives and pasts. Never enough to say it all, of course, because they were both very private individuals.
However, it was enough to make Gordon Miller realize one thing. This slightly out of place, yet still earthy and solid life form … was the first real friend he’d had in more years than he could muster to remember.
What a strange world it was.
“You keep smiling.”
His attention snapped back to the job at hand. Leo, his recently realized ‘friend’, had shown up at his door with a bloody gash stretching from his elbow to his shoulder, and a suspicious reluctance to go home for treatment.
Miller chuckled again, deep and breathy, and was a little startled when his companion shivered a bit at the sound.
“Just musing a little … So … want to tell me why you came here for stitching instead of home?”
The mood chilled immediately. He’d wondered if he should take back any offense he may have issued, but Leonardo started speaking before he could find the words.
“I just … don’t like them to know. That’s all.”
Ah. Well, he supposed he understood that. This turtle-man, Miller had quickly discovered, thought more of his little brothers’ than anyone, perhaps, should. Leo seemed to put his family first in all matters. The older man supposed he could theorize the reasoning for it. Growing up with only his family, hiding from the rest of the world, being trained to eventually take the mantle of head of household. It made sense. Didn’t mean he didn’t secretly think Leo was a little fucked up about it all, but then who was he to talk, really?
Maybe that’s why they related to each other so well.
“Out alone again, then? Your brothers’ didn’t know?”
The turtle shrugged and slid his gaze away to take in something, apparently, infinitely more interesting in Miller’s cramped apartment. He supposed he should feel honored that this secretive being felt comfortable enough to seek his aid while injured, but something was still not sitting well.
“Who would usually treat your wounds?”
The arm he was nearly holding suddenly stiffened and tensed. It gave away the answer to the question faster than any words could. Leonardo’s voice was whispered and thick when he eventually answered.
Well, then … that explained the reluctance to head home. Home still had a missing sibling, and Miller knew that wound was far more open and fetid than any simple gash on an arm. He smiled warmly and went back to work. He wasn’t one to question. Not this, anyway.
Besides … it meant another brief opportunity to bask in his one pin-prick of light.