application for magicdraft

Nov 21, 2011 22:31

AGE: 24
JOURNAL: sandrock
AIM/PLURK/EMAIL: aim: socks and keys / plurk: sandrock / email: oxyacid [at]

NAME: Hong Kong (full title: Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China).
RACE: Personified city-state.
AGE: Actual age, 170+. Physical age, around 16.
CANON POINT: Present day, November 2011.
REFERENCES: Hetalia wiki page for Hong Kong (the character). Wikipedia page for Hong Kong (the geographical location).
GENDER: Physically male, with no evidence to suggest otherwise mentally.
APPEARANCE: Lineart | Lineart 2 | Color reference
Hong Kong appears to be a rather stoic individual, whose emotions rarely reflect on his face. He wears his hair long and stylishly unkempt, sometimes covering his eyes, which are golden-brown. He dresses in a dark red duangua with dark brown pants in canon, but references to his affinity for fashion lead me to think that when he's not wearing traditional dress of some kind, he's able to dress himself fashionably/stylishly. His eyebrows are noticeably quite thick, the result of a curse placed on him by England. His posture is fairly casual, more reflective of his actual personality than his normally blank expression.

PERSONALITY & HOUSE REQUESTS: Hong Kong appears to be even-keeled and calm when you first meet him. His expressions are very muted, if he emotes at all, and while he can sometimes speak with great deal of inflection, he usually does so in a relatively deadpan tone of voice. That doesn't mean he's always all that calm or stoic, however. He has a great many opinions about a great many things, influenced by multiple sources due to being raised by both England and China to different degrees. Due to the number of foreign presences in his immediate vicinity, he is said to be incredibly multicultural. He speaks multiple languages and in many ways emulates aspects of other countries and cultures within and through his own. Hong Kong is called the embodiment of the philosophy 'East meets West,' which is reasonably accurate to the area, as well as the character.

Hong Kong's speech patterns are rather informal, no matter who he's speaking with, and in many other respects he resembles your typical teenager. He pays attention to fashion (although he did spend the majority of one of his major canon appearances in a maid outfit, which is not at all relevant really) and is rather enamored of new electronic gadgetry. This image of a teenager, combined with his perceived stoicism might lead one to believe that he lacks ambition, but this couldn't be further from the truth. His area is very successful economically and serves as a major center for entertainment, technology, finance, and, again, fashion. His connections to China forge a rich history that connects with the past, while being raised by England has given him a leg up in modernizing and becoming globally connected so he stays on the cutting edge today. He takes advantage of all these things, because he wants to show the world the best of his land and people.

All this outside influence has led him to construct his identity from a number of "foreign" sources, such that many of his defining characteristics are adopted from others. One slightly humorous (physical) example of this is observable on Hong Kong's face at all times.

Thanks to a curse from England, he has rather noticeably bushy eyebrows, one of the physical characteristics that is consistent among many of the other Hetalia characters representative of former or current British territory. Hong Kong's eyebrows aren't quite as prominent as the other British colonies and territories, perhaps to compensate for the time he's spent out of England's hands. Occupied by Japan from 1941 to 1945 and having been returned to China as of 1997, it's easy to get whiplash trying to keep up with Hong Kong. He doesn't seem to have trouble though, continuously integrating the various aspects of his background into a seamless structure comprising all the different aspects of his heritage― adapting all these influences in a way that's distinctly "his," by virtue of being brought together under his proverbial roof and thanks to his wise use of resources.

Hong Kong has undergone significant change since 1997, when the area was turned over to China again after half a century of British rule (Hong Kong is now partially autonomous, but retains its ties to mainland China in areas such as military defense and foreign relations). This action resulted in greater freedom for Hong Kong, which gives him more of a voice to share his thoughts-- despite the fact that he isn't a "real country" with legitimate claims to independence and he's only been able to become partially self-sufficient. The fact that he is so young in comparison to the other nations also contributes a little to a lack of respect, but he doesn't seem outwardly bothered by it (as he doesn't seem outwardly bothered by very much of anything).

Through his multicultural inclusiveness, he's long been welcoming of people from other areas of the world. There are a plethora of religions and faiths, as well as economic brackets, forms of entertainment such as music and movies, fashions, and ethnic backgrounds represented in Hong Kong. The character has expressed fondness for figures like Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan on more than one occasion, which shows that he has a lot of pride in things that are native to himself, and he's definitely not shy about proclaiming his love for his own architecture, cuisine, and technology (International Commerce Centre, dim sum, cell phones!).

Possible concern about being viewed as less legitimate than other nations, combined with his extensive multicultural influence and his growing presence on the international economic stage all taken into account, he can be considered quite ambitious, not to mention pretty cunning. Some might say he's sneaky, but he'd quietly deny it. Any mischief he undertakes is mostly for personal purposes.

Mostly. After all, who doesn't like a good prank every now and again?

Hong Kong's strong code of ethics and his belief in being inclusive of others, as well as his bold nature, make me think he would be a good candidate for Gryffindor. He wouldn't abide by the idea that anyone is more privileged than anyone else, so he wouldn't fall in line with those who support pureblood superiority. However, I feel that his ambitiousness and desire to innovate would make him a good fit for Slytherin, although he may not appear to be terribly cunning or motivated due to his lack of outward emotion. He has a definite drive for success, it's just up in the air as to what lengths he would personally go to in order to see his ambitions through.

COMMUTER DETAILS: No alignment with Voldemort.

POSITION: Student.

ABILITIES & POWERS: He's a personified city-state (more specifically a Special Administrative Region in China) and has existed for as long as the area he represents, so he's considerably older than he appears to be (his age is stated to be 170+ because Hong Kong was populated before being handed over to England via the Treaty of Nanking in 1842, but officially became a colony of the crown at this time). Other than extreme longevity/presumed immortality (in that he won't die as long as Hong Kong exists as a physical location), he doesn't really have any "supernatural" abilities. He is a bit tougher than the average human and more physically resilient. Additionally, he's trained in martial arts for some time, so he has a reasonable degree of proficiency in this area.

As far as his skills in magic and at Hogwarts in particular go, Hong Kong may not have any distinct speciality when it comes to the classes he will take. He likes to dabble in a little of everything, you might say, but he would probably be interested in dueling and also in Quidditch, as he's pretty athletic. He's a fairly quick learner, but he tends to adapt things pretty liberally, which might not go over too well in academia. He'll probably do well in Charms and could prove to be decently skilled in Transfiguration. Again, because he's quick to adapt to changes in his environment, he would be more likely to excel at a class like Transfiguration than one like Potions, especially since the later requires more precision and Hong Kong's a go-with-the-flow kind of guy.

Lastly, as he's so hard to read and his expressions don't give away what he's thinking, I believe he could have some skill in Occlumency.

WAND: 8 inches, flexible, dogwood with a dragon heartstring core.

• the wood: Dogwood. "Dogwood wands are quirky and mischievous; they have playful natures and insist upon partners who can provide them with scope for excitement and fun.

It would be quite wrong, however, to deduce from this that dogwood wands are not capable of serious magic when called upon to do so; they have been known to perform outstanding spells under difficult conditions, and when paired with a suitably clever and ingenious witch or wizard, can produce dazzling enchantments. An interesting foible of many dogwood wands is that they refuse to perform non-verbal spells and they are often rather noisy."

Hong Kong is a little bit of a prankster, mischievous and sometimes a little bit of a rebel. He doesn't talk much, but when he does, he can gear up quickly and say a lot in a short period of time. He also has a fondness for fireworks and other visual spectacles. He would be drawn to bright, flashy magic most of all. While one might initially think that he would be fond of non-verbal magic, I can see him being adept in vocal spellcasting. This is because the physical location of Hong Kong is very busy and crowded, and therefore, one can assume it is quite noisy.

• the core: Dragon heartstring. "As a rule, dragon heartstrings produce wands with the most power, and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells. Dragon wands tend to learn more quickly than other types. While they can change allegiance if won from their original master, they always bond strongly with the current owner.

The dragon wand tends to be easiest to turn to the Dark Arts, though it will not incline that way of its own accord. It is also the most prone of the three cores to accidents, being somewhat temperamental."

Again, Hong Kong would be most interested in magic that's visually impressive. He also tends to pick up on things very quickly, a fast learner if you will. Finally, although he has a certain amount of moral ambiguity and isn't really a huge fan of following the rules to get what he wants or needs, he's not likely to indulge in the Dark Arts in order to do so. Having a wand with characteristics that are close to, but not explicitly "Dark," would suit him.

• the rest: 8 inches, flexible. This is on the short side, but eight is a lucky number in Hong Kong, so I think it's fitting for him somehow. Also, it's not the length of the wand, it's what you make explode do with it! As for the flexibility, Hong Kong is definitely an extremely resilient sort. He's had a relatively short history compared to other countries, but it's not been without its struggles. He's come out on top despite a great deal of adversity and proven that he can remain innovative in spite of it all. He's definitely got some "give" to him, but be careful, because if you push him, he's liable to bounce back with force.

MISC.: n/a.


[ Someone seems to be on a mission. You can tell by the way the camera is ducking here and there, down a section of hallway and then abruptly turning, pulling back quickly as if the person holding it is concerned about being spotted. You're going to watch about three or four minutes of this before the person filming seems to slow down and ultimately, slowly and surely, scoots the camera around a corner. What was this mystery person's target?

Looks to be Ms. Norris.

Wait, a cat? That seems a little anti-climactic. The camera remains trained on her until she vanishes around another corner. There's a soft voice, off-screen, speaking in Cantonese - if anyone happens to speak it - and it's not saying something that's particularly polite.

After a few seconds of footage of an empty hallway, the camera turns. Blank-faced and looking unfazed, Hong Kong waves at the camera. ] Y'know, I was kinda expecting talking cats. That totally seemed like a sure thing.

[ He looks up at the ceiling, for no other reason than to do it. ] Maybe she saw me coming. [ And looking back to the camera. ] Any thoughts?

THIRD PERSON: Be assured before coming upon the following scene that Hong Kong didn't intend to cause mayhem and raise cane with his actions. It was an innocent little thought he had while trying to occupy some of his free time. He only wanted to test a new spell, that's all. Try it. That's all! Just because it happens to involve things exploding….

"Sorry about that." He'll keep saying that while he wanders down the hallway, his wand spitting out brightly colored sparks every few feet. "'Scuse me, sorry, coming through," he says, moving the source of the sparks away from anyone who isn't observant enough to notice the miniature fireworks display coming their way. Dodging his fellow students on their way to class the best he can as he goes, he holds the wand at a distance and keeps a firm grip on it even when the sparks get more profuse and a high-pitched keening sound starts to accompany their appearance. Seriously, it wasn't supposed to do that.

"That doesn't sound good…" The sound gets progressively louder and now everyone's paying attention. As soon as he's able, he'll duck into the nearest room he can find. Shortly after, a rather impressive explosion rocks the hallway. And shortly after that, Hong Kong emerges from the empty classroom, hair slightly disheveled and covered in soot here and there, as well as spots of something dark and sticky-looking. He just waves at the crowd at that's started to form, expression unchanged. "So, does anyone know a spell for getting syrup out of leather?"

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