This... this is your world, Discedo?
[The unfamiliar voice of the recently arrived flower youkai speaks for the communicator, scorn evident in her voice. The effect of her words are muted by the darkness registering through the video of the device.]
Blight. Desolation. Ruin.
[Something moves away from the lens and light and "color" return to
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Comments 53
Do you think, we, the forced inhabitants of this wasteland wish it to be this way. Do you think we would not change it if we could. Do you think we enjoy this death, this reek of decay?
The fools you should be lecturing to are the ones sitting on the hill. They are responsible.
For all of this.
My message was directed to anyone and everyone. Including your hilltop surveyors.
There's no guarantee they're listening. We're all paranoid that they're watching all the time. But, sometimes it feels like they slack off and let this place go to more of a hell than it already is. Which figures. Considering how they run it.
And how do you suggest we go about reversing something that was beyond our control to begin with? Please, share your wisdom with me.
Prodding without reason is pointless. You might as well say nothing. Don't try to give us a push with no hope behind it.
Need I school you of Pandora's Jar, child?
Were you to know a thief were in your home and stealing your precious possessions, would you curl up in a corner and let them do as they please?
Regardless, I find it difficult to believe that every single person uses every waking moment to play lunch lady and fend off the boogieman.
It is a matter of time management and micromanaging. Something can still be done for later without sacrificing everything from what needs attention now.
If a canvas is ripped, you can gather many different colored pencils and crayons, and create a beautiful picture around and over the rip. But only tape will put it back together again.
We're still looking for that tape. Right now, all we can do is draw a better future.
We're trying, desperately, and I think we're making good ground on succeeding. People like me, who was kept inside at home, are allowed to have freedom. To some of us, this city is the only home we have.
So... we search for our tape by sealing bonds of friendships and love... and as we do, those help to nourish the city in helpful efforts.
Fufufu... Love and friendship, you say? ...Perhaps.
But there is more out there than you or I, or any of these other...people. You are nothing if you believe that you - and your bonds - are everything. This world - any world - is far more than that.
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