Name: Lauren
What time is it: 10:08 PM
THE FRUITS OF YOUR LABOR( things you can't live without)
Something important on your desk: uhm my computer monitor
When you sleep you wear: boxer pants and a tshirt, sometimes a long sleeved shirt or sweatshirt.
If you could afford it at the moment, you would buy: the old ar by st james florist. mint condition chevy corvette from the 50's i believe. its gorgeous and i dont want anyone to buy it unless its me lol
Something you don't have a lot of: bananas
If your house was burning and you could only save 3 items what would they be: pets which will now equal one item, my scrap book which has my letter from jk rowling in it, digital camera which, naturally would include my charger and a bunch of floppy discs. then id throw my picture board out the window so i dont have to carry it, and id also throw happy bear out the window. ha so in all i only took about 10
If there were no side effects, you would enjoy being addicted to: hm. id be addicted to...slurpees? lol i dunno
A time when you purposly hurt someone emotionally: i'm rotten when somone hurts me emotionally.
A time you accidentally hurt someone emotionally: i dont know. hm...
One person you have killed in your thoughts: ive killed a lot of people. i remmeber killing ally compton and mike. lol sorry mike but u annoyed me.
Three traits you look for in a friend: loyal, trustworthy and interesting
Who makes you laugh most often: elise, kevin, jenn during oom pah pah lol
A friend who you can tell anything: clay
A friend you can go to for advice: it really depends on the situation. i rely on myself a lot.
The best piece of advice you had been given: i dunno... theres never been any advice that really was different han what i would tell myself
Two closest friends: elise is proabably the closest, then i have a bunch of second closest people
The friend who uses most of your energy: kevin. hes alway making me yell at him for taking stuff.
Your 3 best qualities
1. outspoken
2. intelligent in stuff other than math
3. funny at times
Your 3 worst qualities
1. depressive
2. outspoken
3. i think too much about irrelevant things
Describe your Ideal self
prettier, skinnier, better at math, editor of the bulls eye, happier, light red hair heehee
A compliment that makes you blush: if anyone says they like something about me i blush like crazy. i blush when guys just so much as smile at me! lol
You are embarassed when: i do something stupid in front of a guy i like lol or when i say the wrong answer in class when he answers really obvious. or when someone says i said something stupid
The greatest physical pain you ever endured: hmm...i havnt had much physical pain. so ill just say that really bad ear ache in which my right ear got destroyed. that was so painful. i couldnt stop crying for a good 5 hours. they made me wait in the doctors office for 2 hours too. assholes
The greatest emotional pain you ever endured: last year. end of september or at least around there. "i'm gonna tell you who i like" heh it wasnt me. i didnt even make it halfway down the stairs before i crumbled.
Moment you are most ashamed of: i have a lot of things im ashamed of. i think the worst moments were when i did rotten things to caitlyn and excluded her from the group. thank god she doesnt hold grudges. i nearly lost a really great friend over a guy. how stupid.
Your best physical feature: my hair.
Who/What makes you happy: my friends make me happy. nice days make me smile. i like to stare out of windows and watch the world. im happy when stargazing on the roof at midnight. im happy after having a nice long discussion about anything and everything with a friend
Who/what makes you sad: a lot of things make me sad...thinking about the past makes me sad. certain songs make me sad. failure makes me sad...just thinking about impossibilities makes me sad
Emotions you hide most: love and depression
The emotions you tend to experience most: anger and happiness
The emotions you are feeling most lately: depression i suppose
You have a huge amount of guilt regarding: nothing.
When you are angry you need: someone who cares. but there really is no one who cares, so i just yell and curse instead
When you are sentimental you need: no one. i need pictures and creativity. because there is no one who really cares for sentimental things with me.
When you are in love you need: to realize it's not gonna happen. the guy probably doesnt like me one bit. so i forget it and move on.
One of your most peaceful memories: a dream i had, and sitting in the woods upstate, just looking at the trees swaying in the wind.
One of your most tragic memories: well any time i really cried for a good long time. and september 11th and when my nana died.
One of your angriest memories: my parents fighting in the hall next to my bedroom. my dad banging on the door. i locked it. he screamed at me saying h would knock down the door. and i heard my mom come and she was crying. and she said, you leave her ALONE! LEAVE HER ALONE! and she bat on his chest, ro at leas i think thats what it was. and i sat there crying and hating the world. i didnt understand why they were fighting. i didnt unerstand why my dad was screaming at me. i didnt know what was wrong. but i knw i was mad at him and i wanted him dead. i wanted myself dead.
A memory that makes you laugh: we go from angry to happy? lol hmm well i dunno. a recent memory is being drunk with jenn in oom pah pah. its so fun. we all slur our speech lol
a memory that makes you happy: hm...just any good times with friends. friendlys was fun
Something someone can say or do that you find extremely attractive: lol i dunno! i like when a guy has a good smile!
Something someone can say or do that you find unattractive: spitting. i dont understand why guys HAVE to spit when playing sports or just walking. its so gross and i hate it so much and any guy who does it is stupid. lol
Two things appealing about people: well if theyre interesting and they like to talk to me, thats good enough for me! lol
A personality trait you find appealing: good sense of humor or a good conversationalist
Your secret passion: huh? i dont know!
What you enjoy most about having a committed relationship: ive never had one. but i guess its nice to have someone there for you. someone who really cares about you. and youve always got someone to turn to when you're feeling down.
DO you have a bf/gf if yes who? nopers
What do you find sexy about them: uhm their nose
A place where you want to have sex WOAH SEX! lol
A strange place where you have had sex: just cause u have a bf doesnt mean ur having sex dude.
What drives you crazy (in a good way) about this person: their nose
What music is on when you have sex, or is it the tv?
Favorite song to have sex to : YOU HORNY PERSON!
Describe your mate physicaly: nice nose. lol
Describle your mate's personality: theyre an opera singer. they like to go to the bathrrom. a lot. and theyre very horny lol
You feel most attractive when: im eating spaghetti
Favorite thing you like to see your mate wear (clothing wise don't say naked) naked. naked naked naked naked ha
What would you like your mate to do more of: i'd like them to eat more spaghetti
If you had more time alone you would: write more
If you had more patience you would: i dunno be more patient
If you could change one thing about your physical appearance what would it be: my nose. maybe my face in general. lol
If you had no committments what would you be doing: travelling and winning the lottery
If you could have one super power what would it be: i would be a mad crazy break dancer. lol
If you could start all over.... i think i would keep most stuff the same.