said longest survey ever...

Oct 15, 2003 16:14

What time is it: 3:00
What is the date: october 14th

*~*~Info about you~*~*
Full Name: Lauren Mary Weiss
Age: 14
Sex: female girl yea lol
Birthday: 4-27-89
Where do you live: new york. long island.
Where else have you lived: no where else
What state: there
What subdivision: northeast
Zodiac Sign: taurus
What school do you go to: SHS
What is your mascot : well it looked like a moose to me. its supposed to be a bull
What are your school colors: red and white. not blue
What year are you: 2007
Nicknames: natta
Do you have any other screen names: too many, but i only use starsonvelvet
What are they: shut up.
Where were you born: long island lol
What hospital: suffolk???
What are your hobbies: writing, reading, theater, singing, journalism, computer, photography, photoshop stuff...yea
Are you religious: not really
What religion are you: supposedly christian
Hair color: blonde
Ever died your hair: yeppers
What color: red on the tips
Hair length: shoulder
Eye color: greenish brown
Height: 5'5 i think. i seem to be getting shorter...
Weight: must u know? no.
Have any pets: yes
Whats their names: beaky, pippin, mushnick, mittens, zedd, turtleboy, fred and kamikaze
Siblings: yea
Names and age: andy lol 21
What do you fear most in the world: ...drowning and ultimate failure.
What do you regret the most: taking that damn survey
If you could do anything without consequences, what would it be: run around in circles singing "god save the queen." lol i dont know!
Do you have braces: yes.
Do you have glasses: i dont wear them and i really should!
Are you good at school: yeppers. just not math!!!
Shoe size: 9-10 yay bigfoot

Car: ill just say viper.
Color car: red green or blue
Color: blue and silver
Teacher: this year... mr velocci rocks. i dont have mr shelley for about 4 1/2 weeks.
Class: journalism
Day of the week and why: friday because this is the end, my only friend, the end
Holiday: halloween
Season: spring
Month: april is an excellent month
Fruit: strawberries
Veggie: potato...or corn!
Sport: ...uh... to play? softball
Sports team: mets
Male Athlete: vance wilson. he signed my ball and hes hot. mets replacement catcher for those who just do not know. lol
Female Athlete: about michelle kwan
Movie: unknown i have so many
Actress: julia roberts
Actor: the deppster lol johnny depp
T.V. show: simpsons
Web site: livejournal!
Food: at the moment...cinnabons. lol
Drink: crystal light
Band: train i suppose
Male singer: clay aiken!!!!!
Female singer: evanescence! thats not her name, her name has slipped my mind damn...
Store: ...*thinks* borders!
Video rental store: blockbuster...
E-mail buddy: email buddy? clay i suppose
Joke: why did the chicken cross the road?!?!?!??!?!?!?!
Saying: imagination is more important than intelligence
Word: fliberty-gibet
Brand of shoes: vans
Radio station: 98.5
Room in your house: my room
Concert you have been to: american idol was cool. but michael jackson had cool effects. he molested a few kids on stage. lol jk jk jackson is cool despite his quirks and petafile-y-ness
CD: fallen
Salad: i dont like salat
Meat: ? uhm...chicken
Pizza Topping: chicken!
State: new york
City: paris. never been. hope to go someday.
Lake: lake montahemo. lol i dunno
Ocean: atlantic?
Place to be: in a tree or hanging out at borders
Smell: hm...cinnabon smell lol
Sound: wind is cool. rain on a tin roof. rain on a stream
Taste: dunno frosting?
Feeling: extreme happiness. also the good kind of nervous. yes there is a good kind of nervous. as in when u talk to someone you like.
Letter: qQqQqQqQq yea
Number: 43
Book: too many to list
Vacation spot: hm. my house. i like summer in my town.
Grandma: grandma marie
Grandpa: i have 2 rther meh ones. i think my pop pop is the better of the 2. but i havent seen him in years...then i have grandpa who i see sometimes...hes ok. theyre both mediocre gandparents.
Cereal: honey nut cheerios
Ice cream flavor: haagan daas cookie dough
Video game: mario of course
Cookie flavor: i like any dough lol. but...cinnamon and suga
Flower: orchids are so cool. and roses are awesome too.

*~*~What do you think of when you hear this~*~*
Banana: oak tree
Bill: clinton
Britney: spears
Lamb: chops lol oh dear
Bubba: disgusting hunting movie in which "bubba" ate deer poop to see if it was fresh or not. freaked me out for a long time.
Victoria: my mommy
Dildo: dilbert that cartoon lol dilbert=dildo to me. so confusing
Ass: mike! lol wow!
Shadow: puppets!
Beep Beep: honk if you're horny! lol!!!
Bambi: deceased. RIP woah lol

*~*~Your friends~*~*
Friends: i have lots of friends!
Best friends: elise kevin caitlyn mike clay
Spend most time with: elise
Best house: hmmm kevins basement is the bomb. elise has a big TV and so does caitlyn. caitlyns is good for hide and seek...and she has a pool, but so does elise! but mike has a trampoline!! hard to decide!
Funniest: theyre all funnay
Smartest: hm...theyre all smrt academically. theyre all stupid outside of schoolwork lol
Hottest: oh sexay kevin i want him in my pants
Strongest: kevin. he can lift elise! lol
Most athletic: caitlyn!!! she plays soccer and volleyball and various other sports! and...she runs voluntarily! lol
Knows you the best: my best friends all know basically the same stuff about me.
Most outgoing: hm...kevin i supposeth
Most shy: i dont think any of them are shy
Always negative: knappy and tara from theater lol
Which one let the dogs out: definetely mike. a dog humped his leg once!!! lol brownie was there! him and i were laughing on the trampoline while a bull dog humped mikes leg lol
Most trustworthy: my best friends are all pretty trustworthy. thats why theyre my bestest friends!
Most fun to be with: theyre all fun! most of the time...
Biggest flirt: elise according to vin. but according to me...john! lol leah knows who he is.
Best dressed: hm...not kevin. he cant match his clothes lol! i would say michelle
Best eyes: well we spent a day at lunch figuring that out and decided everyones eyes were cool.
Most depressed: i think theyre all mostly happy.
One to gossip with: hm...none of them are really great for gossip. *sigh*
Sweetest: lauren ryan.
Most annoying: YOU!
Who follows you: i hope no one follows me. crazy stalker!
Who do you follow: nobody!
Who do you pretend to like but cant stand: i dont know....
Do you make friends easily: eh, sometimes.
Are you intimidated by any of your friends: nope
If u were stranded on a desert island then who, out of your friends, would u want to be there with u: rather be alone becaue i might eat them lol
Who do u think would help u the most if u were in trouble: they all hate me!!!
Who do u think would risk their life to save yours: see previous answer
Who is the most popular: niko
Who is the most unpopular: elise lol jk none of them are really really unpopular
Who do u want to go to college with: i dont wanna go just because somone else is going to the college. if they go it would b nice. but i wanna go to NYU, and no ones stoppin me lol
Who do u wish could be part of your family: everyone! lol no i wouldnt wish my family on anyone.
Who is the biggest junk food junkie: me! nah elise
Who would do anything for 1 million bucks: kevin or mike!
Who do u think has the nicest siblings: elise! megans cool!
Who do u think has the nicest mom: all the moms seem pretty nice.
Who do u think has the nicest dad: kevins dad is cool and so is elises.
Who do you have the most inside jokes with: oi dont have many nymore. probably elise though.
*~*~This or That~*~*
Sox or Cubs: sox
Breakfast or Dinner: dinner
Day or Night: night
Radio or Cd's: cds
Internet or Phone: internet
N'sync or BSB: nsync
98 degrees or O town: 98 degrees
Happy or sad: happy
Guy or girl: guy
Sexy or Cute: cute
Tuff or wimpy: tuff..?
Strong or weak: strong
Funny or hilarious: hilarious
Summer or winter: summer
Love or lust: love
Friends or family: friends
Car or truck: car
Dog or cat: cat
Give or receive: recieve! lol
Sex or no sex: ...
Walk or run: walk
Inside or outside: outside
Up or down: up
In or out: in
Back or front: ...
Hurricane or Tornado:
Thunder or lightning:
Rain or snow: rain
Hail or sleet: hail
Sunny or cloudy: sunny
Loud or quiet: quiet
Hard or soft: hard...naughty!
Mcdonalds or Burger king: mcdonalds
Hardee's or Arby's: arbys
Rebel or goodie goodie: rebel rebel
Coffee or tea: neither.
Coke or pepsi: coke
Mr. Pibb or Dr. Pepper: theyre exactly the same. dr pepper though
White chocolate or normal chocolate: both r excellent
Britney or Christina: neither
Black or white: black
Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
Diary or journal: journal
Writing or typing: typing
Cold or hot: cold
Pen or pencil: pencil
Candle or insence: insence
Plain paper or lined paper: plain
Blonde or brunette: brunette
Curly or straight: straight
Blanket or sleeping bag: blanket
Shower or bath: shower
Body wash or soap: body wash
*deletes rest of this or thats*

*~*~Love life~*~*
Do you have a crush: hmmm...kinda sorta
Whats his or her name: ill be quiet
How old are they: my age.
How long have you liked him or her: not long. ive liked them both before though.
If you could kiss anyone in the world, who would it be: uhm. heehee
If you could date anyone in the world, who would it be: and they would like me back? heehee
What is the biggest turn off: guys who SPIT ewwwwww
What is the biggest turn on: guys who dont spit and know how to dress and are sweet and nice and funny and cool.
Do you prefer being the dumper or the dumpee: dumper. less painful
Do you think there is a person for everyone: sure
If yes, do you know who yours is: nope
Where is the best place to be kissed: on the lips...?
Where is the most romantic place to take a date: i dunno. something unique i would say. not the back row of the theaters to make out. lol
Do you believe in love at first sight: ...nah
Have you ever been in love: ive loved someone but havent been IN love.
What do you think love is: wonderfulness followed by grief.
Do you have a b/f or g/f: nope
Do you want one: yea kind of...
How long have you been together: ...
What do you like about your crush or b/f, g/f: their niceness
When was your first kiss: never

First grade teacher's name: mrs liotta
Last word you said: doo
Last song you sang: at dawn they slept lol
Last meal you ate: lunch
Favorite childhood cartoon: simpsons
What did you hate most about school: grades
Last person you flipped off: random guy in science classroom. or maybe kevin lol
Last song stuck in your head: at dawn they slept. damn band
What line/verse: number 75 i believe
Last time you were burned: lol 2 days ago
How: i hit the oven rack while taking potato skins out.
Last time you bled: little while ago
Favorite game show as a child: price is right

What's in your CD player: evanescence, pink and mikes bar mitzvah cd
What color sox are you wearing: white and blue with turtles on it
What's under your bed: another bed and a leprachan
What's the weather like: very very very windy
What is on your wall calender (i.e. Curious George, Magnetic Poetry): castles
What time did you wake up today: 6:09
Did you think it was earlier, later, or on time: on time

Who do you want to marry: a guy
Are you going to college: yes
If so, how long do you want to go: 4 years.
Where do you want to go: new york university in the city.
What is your career going to be: journalist with secondary education as a backup
Where are you going to live: nyc
How many kids do you want: i dunno
Kids names girls: anna
Kids names boys: william
Where do you want your honeymoon: europe somewhere
What kind of car will you have: a cool one lol
What kind of house will you have: probably an apartment.

*~*~Have you ever~*~*
Smoked: once. not pot or drugs or cigarettes. tiger lily reeds. long story.
Been Drunk: i believe so...
Been high: high on love
Done drugs: nope
Had sex: nope
Skinny dipped: when i was really little
Partied until the sun came up: hm...wasnt a party but yea
Stole: no.
Stayed up all night on the internet: yea just about
Met someone off the internet (in person): kind of. i already sorta knew mike anyway lol
Cried over a guy/girl: yea
Been in a fist fight: no
Been in a cat fight: no..
Wanted to kill someone: yea!
Fell off a chair: lol yes.
Kissed the same sex: nope
Had feelings for the same sex: nope
Lap danced: nope

Do you belive in the horoscopes: not really
Do you like your handwriting: nah
If you could be anybody, who would you be and why: i dunno...
What superhero would you be: wonder woman! no...spider woman lol
Do you have any piercings: ears
Any tattoos: nope
If so where: ...
If not, where and what do you want: ankle, moon and stars
Are you picky: with some stuff
What makes you cry: sad stuff
What makes you mad: angry stuff
What do you think of Eminem: hes got talent, but hes awfully controversial
Who do you admire: i dunno...
Do you like cartoons: yea
Do you believe in heaven: sure
Do you believe in God: sure
Do you think there is a hell: yea
Do you believe in the devil: meh
What is the one place you have to visit before you die: europe
What did you do today: went to school.
Where do you work: no where. scope during summers
Do you even have a job you lazy bum: shut up asshole
Are your 'rents lame: sometimes.
Do you own a miniskirt: its not very mini
Do you floss: sometimes.
What is the farthest you have traveled: florida
Who is a DIVA: dunno.
What kind of shampoo do you use: sheer blonde
What about conditioner: its a combo
Do you use big words to sound smart: sometimes lol
When you get mad, do you swear a lot: sometimes
Got milk: indeed. just not with me
Do you have a magic 8 ball: yea somewhere
Name something that comes in threes: wow...uhm...a pack of hersheys chocolate syrup from costco. ohhh yea
Ever worn black nail polish: yea
Do you have hairy arms: everyone has hair on their arms unless they shave.
How many sheets are on your bed: 1
Whats under your bed: u asked that already.
Do you have your own tv and vcr: i have a TV
Do you believe in fate: yes
Do you see dead people: round the clock
Are you a good speller: sorta kinda maybay. when i want to be
What is your lucky charm: uhm...i dont know...
Why do you drive on a parkway and park on a driveway: because i said so.
Do you like little kids: meh. they an be annoying and destructive.
Are you talented: sure
If so, how: i play the oboe!
Have you ever hugged a tree? yes indeedy
Do you watch the weather channel while getting ready in your hotel room on vacation: no. i hate the weather channel
Do you ever steal anything from hotels: lol no.
Ever seen a ghost: yes! i swears
How about an alien: nope. sadly.
Do you beleive in either of them: yea.

Did you waste any time doing this: an hour
Did you like this survey: it bored me
Were you bored: i said, "it bored me."
Did you skip any questions: yes.
If so, fix them! no u bitch
Write another question: do you hate who wrote this survey?: answer yes.
What time is it: 4:13 dammit
Say something nice about the person who sent this to you: i hate you. i hatr you all.

hahahaha bye
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