"Fail-Safe is a 1964 cold war thriller film directed by Sidney Lumet, based on the 1962 novel Fail-Safe written by Eugene Burdick and Harvey Wheeler." "Dr. Strangelove [...] is loosely based on Peter George's Cold War thriller novel Red Alert (also known as Two Hours to Doom)."
Просто дух времени, поэтому сюжеты похожие. Впрочем, ещё одна цитата с Википедии: "Eugene Burdick and Harvey Wheeler's later bestseller Fail-Safe so closely resembled Red Alert in its premise that George sued on the charge of plagiarism, resulting in an out-of-court settlement. Both novels would inspire very different films that would both be released in 1964 by the same studio (Columbia Pictures)."
Comments 5
"Fail-Safe is a 1964 cold war thriller film directed by Sidney Lumet, based on the 1962 novel Fail-Safe written by Eugene Burdick and Harvey Wheeler."
"Dr. Strangelove [...] is loosely based on Peter George's Cold War thriller novel Red Alert (also known as Two Hours to Doom)."
Просто дух времени, поэтому сюжеты похожие. Впрочем, ещё одна цитата с Википедии:
"Eugene Burdick and Harvey Wheeler's later bestseller Fail-Safe so closely resembled Red Alert in its premise that George sued on the charge of plagiarism, resulting in an out-of-court settlement. Both novels would inspire very different films that would both be released in 1964 by the same studio (Columbia Pictures)."
главное, что фильмы были одновременно практически запущены в производство, и о влиянии кого-либо на кого-либо говорить не приходится.
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