Two years. Twenty four months.
Laura had been gone for two years.
Twenty four months. One hundred and four weeks.
He never did build her cabin. He didn't believe she would know if he had and a lean-to was enough for him. Her cabin was more of an ideal, anyway.
One hundred and four weeks. Seven hundred and thirty days.
He didn't go to her anymore. Nothing of Laura was there in the dirt. The Laura he loved was lodged in his chest, just to the right of his heart. He sometimes entertained the fancy that should Cottle ever visit, he would be able to hear Laura like the echo of a heartbeat.
Seven hundred and thirty days. Seventeen thousand, five hundred and thirty one hours.
He doesn't dream of her. Dreams are things subconscious and she's always in his conscious thoughts.
Seventeen thousand, five hundred and thirty one hours. One million, fifty one thousand, eight hundred and ninety seven minutes.
Love was his Earth, his Elysian Fields, his shore. The only place Laura still lived was his thoughts. If he let himself die, he'd kill her as well.
One million, fifty one thousand, eight hundred and ninety eight minutes.