ar_drabbles challenge #15, Dirty Hands
Word Count: 300
Time line: After Founder's Day on New Caprica, before the occupation
Rating: M
A/N: A taste of an idea I've been toying with for a while. I could be talked in it expanding it, if anyone were interested. Far too much of the instruction was truncated to get down to 300 words.
When they reached her lake Bill pulled out his gun. "You'd better learn to shoot."
"If the cylons find you. If Baltar gets crazier. You're a target."
"Where would I get a gun?"
"Don't bullshit, Laura. Who do you think supplied the guns Tigh's stashed away? Ever fire one?"
"Seen movies."
"Huh." He explained the parts, their functions. He spun her away from him. "Body loose. Legs shoulder width apart." He ran a hand across her shoulders, whispered in her ear. "Relax." His knee nudged the back of hers. "Don't lock your joints. Flexible. Ready for action."
Her breath shuddered. She heard him cock the gun.
The gun traced a path from her shoulder to forearm. "Arms front. Chest height. Elbows loose. Take the gun. Finger off the trigger."
She held the gun like in the movies and felt Bill's sigh against her hair. "You'll lose a thumb that way." His hands covered hers. "Four fingers over three. Thumbs together on the non-dominant side." He guided her finger onto the trigger. "Now you…"
"Pull the trigger?" She was nervous, her breath fast, body tingling.
"Never pull. Touch it gently. Caress it. Increase the pressure, like you were touching--" She felt his body tense.
His breath was hot in her ear. "Like you were touching yourself." His finger pressed against hers, against the trigger, slowly, sweetly, until unexpected fire erupted at bullet speed.
"I did that?" Laura asked.
"We did that."
"I can't. Don’t like guns. Tigh can defend me. Starbuck."
Bill removed the magazine, emptied the chamber. "Wash your hands."
"They're not dirty."
"Bullets are carcinogenic."
"I'm fine, Bill. I go for check-ups."
He pushed her toward the lake. "Not taking chances with you."
Laura pulled him to her. "Maybe it's time you did."