Beautiful combination

Jan 07, 2011 09:35

Now I understand why kastari whines about every challenge at ar_drabbles. As soon as I whined that I had no idea, I got one. Consider the mood part of bsg_aussiegirl's birthday package.

"You need a hobby."



"You only build model ships, Bill, so you can smash them."

Before he met her he'd never smashed a ship. It wasn't fair to blame her for Saul, for Kara, for anything. Besides, he didn't blame her; self-recrimination was his favorite sport. He changed the topic. "I box."

"You want me to go twelve rounds with you?"

"You're an amateur. More like four."

"You're The Old Man. I've seen you box. You can barely get up for round two."

"Trust me, Laura. With the right opponent I can definitely get up for round two."

ar_drabbles, aussie's a romantic fool

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