And Summer slowly slips away.........

Sep 04, 2011 15:05

Greetings from the deeply depressed.  OMG, summer is almost over.
*Sobs uncontrollably!*

A few things going on this week:

Started teaching Owen how to bike without his training wheels…  and it’s a slow go!  The poor guy, as soon as he goes slightly off-balance he lets go and jumps off!  LOLs.  He’s going to hurt himself if he doesn’t stop doing that.  The other day after falling for the fifth or sixth time he said “I think we should quit!”  So we sat in the grass and had a little chat about ‘quitting’ and how important it is to never quit but to keep trying and trying until you get it.  I was struggling to find a way to convince him that if he kept at it, he’d eventually get it.

I nearly dislocated my arm patting myself on the back for this one.  Here’s how the conversation went:
Me: “Owen, do your remember at the beginning of the summer when we first started swimming?”
Owen: “Yes:
Me: “Did you know how to swim?”
Owen: “No.”
Me: “That’s right, you didn’t know how to swim.  So, you had to wear a life jacket, right?”
Owen: “Yep,”
Me: “And what happened when we took your life jacket off?”
Owen: “I sunk.”
Me: “That’s right, you sunk.  But we kept working and practicing until you didn’t sink anymore.”
Owen, now with a little more excitement in his tone: “Yeah!  And I’m a good swimming now.
Me: “That’s right.  So, your training wheels are just like your life jacket.  If you keep trying and trying, eventually you’ll be able to ride your bike without them.”

So, this is my favorite part.  He gets this look on his face, gives me the double fist pump and says: “Let’s do this again!”

Of course, he fell flat on his face a bunch more times and then we finally decided to take a break and to try again tomorrow.  We DID NOT, however, use the word QUIT.

To make matters worse, the next day we worked on it for about 45 minutes until he finally fell hard enough that he hurt himself so he said he wanted to take a break.  So, I picked up the bike and was pushing it towards the house when Drew, my soon-to-be four year old said he wanted to try.  “What the heck” I think…  Well didn’t the little shit get on and just …..  go!.  There’s no other way to put it.  He just got on the bike and rode it, plain and simple.  I was astonished.

I have to give Owen full points for being a good sport about it.  He wasn’t upset about being bested by his baby brother in the least.  He just laughed and said “Mommy, I don’t think I’m very good at this!” I laughed and told him that he’ll get the hang of it very soon.


So my big boy started hockey yesterday morning.  OMG…  he was so excited.  Friday night hubby and I took out all the equipment and tried the whole thing on just to be sure he had everything he needed.  Also, neither of us have ever fully dressed a hockey player so we wanted to make sure we knew what we were doing.   So, we had a little dress rehearsal (LOL) and I thought Owen was going to burst with pride.  It was then that I realized that he’s more excited about wearing all the equipment than he is about playing the game.  OMG, he was just so funny.  So there he stood in the middle of the living room, in full hockey dress.

Owen, while glancing in the mirror: “Mommy, I’m a super hero”
Me: “You’re my Super Special Hockey Boy!”
Owen, now taking the Super Hero Stance “SUPER SPECIAL HOCKEY BOY!!”
Bear in mind that it was in thirties on Friday and the house was hot and muggy.
Owen again. “Mommy, I’m very hot now can we take the stuff off?”

I thought my husband was going to bust a gut.

I didn’t go on Saturday morning, Hubby wanted to take him and he doesn’t get to do a lot of that stuff so, even though it nearly killed me inside, I smiled and said “Sure!  If you want to take him that works for me!”  I would have gone too but he was on the ice at 7 am so they had to leave the house at 6:15 am.   I wasn’t about to wake his little brother and drag him off to a hockey arena at 6 am.  Besides, this was Hubby and Owen's moment...  
That’s okay, he played again this morning so we all went to that one.

Here are a few pics of my Super Special Hockey Boy

I'm posing this picture because it actually looks like the kid in the background is sitting on the couch...  just thought that was funny

Anyway, let’s talk equipment for a second.  Bought all the hockey equipment we need.  Holy shit….  $400 bucks later.. and HALF of that was USED.  The hubby decided yesterday morning that Owen’s skates are too big. So we went out to get Owen’s feet sized yesterday afternoon and turns out he was right.  So my plan was to go over to play-it-again Sports and get him another used pair but nooooo.  In true Hubby form, he insisted on buying a brand new pair, the kind that they can actually mold to your foot.  OMG, he’s FIVE years old for Frak sake.  Anyway, apparently with these new ‘moldable’ skates, you can have them re-molded over and over so if Owen’s foot grows over the season we can get them remolded.  Plus we can have them molded to Drew’s foot next year so I guess all is not lost.  But holy shit!  $80 for skates for a 5 yr. old?  I think that’s a little excessive.

I don’t know how low income families could possibly stand a chance at keeping their kids in organized sports.  Even without the fancy skates…  hockey is an expensive little venture.  Once we are done with this equipment I will make certain that anything that is still in good condition is donated to the hockey exchange program so maybe some kid who can’t afford equipment can benefit from it.



She’s going down hill very quickly.  Last week I told my neighbour I’d be surprised if she made it till Christmas…  now I don’t think she’ll see October.  The other night I had to carry her up from the basement, which I’ve never done in the past.  And then just the other day she was standing in the kitchen and she just got weak and her back legs gave out.  She quickly recovered, but that doesn’t negate the fact that it happened.  Then the same thing happened today.

She’s off her food again and hasn’t eaten in two days.

I’m trying very hard to remind myself that she’s a dog….  Just a dog.

But the reality is that she’s my beautiful girl and she is part of our family.  I also don’t know how I’m going to break the news to Owen when the time comes.  He is so very VERY attached to his dog.



We have had a great summer.  I am so very sad to see it end, and today you’d a thought it was mid July it was so hot.  We’re still swimming, and it sure does feel like summer is still here…  BUT, it is September and I know the end is coming.  Even the leaves are starting to change.

I had to add some water to the pool yesterday because the water level was low.  I didn’t want to use the outside tap because adding that much cold water would have just killed the water temperature.  So I ran a garden hose from the basement sink to the pool and filled it with hot water.  I had to stop it four times to let the hot water tank heat up again.  Tee Hee…  thought Hubby was gonna shoot me.

“Well…,” I said, “If you’d a let me buy a pool heater….”


We all went out for Brunch this morning after hockey.  The sister-in-law was there and as usual she had a brand new ailment to milk.  The instant she arrived she had a coughing fit…  the entire restaurant was staring at our table.  Mother-in-law was fussing over her, handing her water, tissues…  blah blah blah.  Then she finally sits down and of course, we got to hear all about her cold.  I guess she was in such bad shape last week that she had to go to the clinic.  So the doc at the clinic put her on an inhaler, but OMG…  that sent her blood pressure through the roof so they had to giver her another prescription for that….  Yadda yadda yadda, blah blah.  You know, one of these days she’s really going to get sick and nobody is going to believe her.

Anyway *shrugs*


So after brunch the sister-in-law says that she wants to steal my children for a few hours.  So, of course, Owen’s face lights up like it’s Christmas.  Now we’ve been over this before, so I’ll spare you all the details, but my sister-in-law has some physical challenges that causes me to not be all that confident in her ability to handle the kids when in public.  If everything is fine and there are no problems then sure, of course she can handle it.  But what concerns me is if something were to go wrong…  say one wandered off, or there was a fire, or something crazy.  Anyway, I usually handle this by making my decision based on where she wants to take them.  If I’m not comfortable with it then I will offer to go too, even if I don’t want to go.

Anyway, so the boys are excited because she of course asks this in front of them so we really have no choice but to say yes.  My kids adore this woman, and I know she loves them more than anything in the world, so I would never deny her a chance to spend time with them.  That’s why instead of saying ‘no’ I usually just go with them if I’m not sure about it.

So…  this is becoming a long story…  I asked where she was taking them.

OMG….  This fucking pissed me off…..  here’s the conversation.

Me: “Where are you planning to take them?”
Sister-in-law: “None of your business.”

I’m not fucking kidding.  I’m not joking or exaggerating…  that is what she said.


Excuse me?  It is most certainly my business Jesus Christ, they are my children!

Of course the entire family are sitting there when she said this, which really pissed me off because, once again, I end up looking like the bad guy.

Me, in a forceful tone: “NO, , I need to know where you are going!”
Sister-in-law: “I was thinking of taking them over to Chapters to let them play in the play area for a while and then they can each pick out a new book.”

Thinking that she should be able to handle a trip to Chapters I agreed that they could go.

I know I can be a bitch when it comes to her.  But I truly do try to be fair because I realize that just because I don’t like her doesn’t mean that I have the right to compromise her relationship with the boys…  she really does love them.  But come on!  Why couldn’t she just say where she was going in the first place instead of trying to say that it was none of my business.

*deep cleansing breath*


The US open is on.  I don’t usually get to watch much tennis during the day for obvious reasons so I find it hard to catch all the matches I want to see….  Well, NO MORE!  Heh heh heh….  I love my PVR.  I will never miss another tennis match again!  WOO HOO


Can’t believe school starts this week.  Holy SHIT.  Owen goes in on Tuesday for a meet-and-greet with his teacher and then he officially starts on Wednesday.  Drew has his meet-and-greet on Wednesday and then he officially starts on Friday.

I think I’m still in shock.  My baby is starting school, I get all weepy just thinking about it.


Oh well, other than that there’s not much going on…  busy as usual, but havin’ fun at the same time.

swimming pool, pool, us open, swimming, hockey, pretty puppy girl, super special hockey boy, pvr, tennis, lazy assed sister-in-law, princess, in-laws

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