Yep... And really good quality too. When you search it, search for Skydancer1971 she seems to have every ep posted and her posts are all one post per episode... Rather than like 5 ten-minute segments like you most often see.... And the quality of her posts are better than most.
YAY for Owen and his bicycle victory. Watch out, he'll be unstoppable now. :)
Dr Quinn, OMG. I still remember watching the pilot of that, and I totally shipped Mike/Sully even though I was only about 9 years old, LOL. Having said that, like you, I never watched the whole series. Might be fun to go back and have a look!
I totally shipped Mike/Sully even though I was only about 9 Lol. They had that effect, even on little ones. There was kinda like some sort of magnetic force that pulled you to the screen when they were together. I think it was because she was just so pretty and he was just so.... yummy. or maybe it was that ole... 'beauty and the beast" kinda thing where she was this fine lady who came from money and lived in a grand home in Boston and he was a mountain man... I dunno. Whatever it was, it worked well, that's for sure
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YAY for Owen and his bike!! Excellent!! My great nephew was here the other day. OMG what is cuter than a two year old. He is so sweet, but very tiring. How do you do it with two
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YAY for Owen and his bike!! Oh I know! he was so proud of himself. There's nothing in the world like that look a little kid gets on their face when they've accomplished something for the first time. It makes my heart swell
OMG what is cuter than a two year old. He is so sweet, but very tiring. How do you do it with two?!!!you just do. It's not so bad now that they're a little older. It certainly gets easier as they become a little more independent and can do things for themselves... like get dressed, put their toys away... When they were both in diapers it was difficult, but now it's not so bad
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Comments 7
no. i don't need to go and watch those. no no no no...
and i am glad it wasn't Strep...
Enjoy! Heh heh heh heh
YAY for Owen and his bicycle victory. Watch out, he'll be unstoppable now. :)
Dr Quinn, OMG. I still remember watching the pilot of that, and I totally shipped Mike/Sully even though I was only about 9 years old, LOL. Having said that, like you, I never watched the whole series. Might be fun to go back and have a look!
Lol. They had that effect, even on little ones. There was kinda like some sort of magnetic force that pulled you to the screen when they were together.
I think it was because she was just so pretty and he was just so.... yummy. or maybe it was that ole... 'beauty and the beast" kinda thing where she was this fine lady who came from money and lived in a grand home in Boston and he was a mountain man... I dunno. Whatever it was, it worked well, that's for sure ( ... )
Oh I know! he was so proud of himself. There's nothing in the world like that look a little kid gets on their face when they've accomplished something for the first time. It makes my heart swell
OMG what is cuter than a two year old. He is so sweet, but very tiring. How do you do it with two?!!!you just do. It's not so bad now that they're a little older. It certainly gets easier as they become a little more independent and can do things for themselves... like get dressed, put their toys away... When they were both in diapers it was difficult, but now it's not so bad ( ... )
YAY for Owen and his no training wheels. The story made me teary. I know how proud my lil nephew was when rode on his own the first time.
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