Morning Epiphany

Apr 27, 2009 04:40

So, an off-handed description in a story that I'm writing has taken an entirely new light. I'm writing about Paula of late, and indicated in the description of a character that "she looked a bit like Joan Jett." Okay, that gives you a picture, but a comment that followed that was about how cool (or possibly yummy) Joan is, which I wholeheartedly ( Read more... )


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Comments 2

generationxwing April 27 2009, 14:41:52 UTC
Oh my god, you too? How bizarre is it that we have the same taste in women? I think Shirley Manson was one of my first junior high crushes.


stormwolf70 April 29 2009, 18:07:48 UTC
More than I want to, thankfully not all.


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