List 5 things you enjoy even when no one is around you. What lowers your stress/blood pressure/anxiety level? Post it to your journal... and then tag 5 friends and ask them to post it to theirs.
1. Dancing/cleaning/hanging aroundddd in my underwear
2. Cuddling. With someone else or... blankets?
3. Summer. Rain in summer when it's sunny still. Thunderstorms when it's hot.
4. Pretty Woman
5. Getting cards with poems in crayon
Weezer concert was way good. I crowd flirted with bassist Scott a good amount and got one of his picks. [If that sounded dirty, forgive me.] I only got punched in the face once and I stayed with John for the opening band at least. I love Rivers. They played a decent amount from Blue and Pinkerton and that made me wicked happy. Unfortunately the fat kids must have heard from all the past fat kids at concerts that once they get all sweaty they should come and rub themselves on me. They think I like it. I think they like my elbows in their enormous gut.
But anyway it was fun and I'm glad andrew could go last minute and I'm glad I got a free souvenir