Hope For Humanity In A Major Metropolitan Area!
The city can have its hopeful moments if you are willing to open your eyes to them. Some may think these signs are nominal, I'm under the thought that they are everything. Case in point: Yesterday I was riding the good ol' brown line from Damen (my place) to the loop to do some school paperwork. Around Addison (three stops down the line for the CTA defficient) a man early twenties gets on the train. Me being a people watcher I take stock of what in his personality shows. He has a black guitar case strapped to his back and is wearing a Helloween shirt. For some reason I already liked the guy. He proceded to sit down and place a RedEye (a Chicago Daily newpaper) in his lap. Now, everyone on the fucking train has one of these, but he was the only one that started to dismantel it and then start making a paper hat which, when completed, he placed on his head. Seeing this I laugh out loud.. because that's the only way I laugh. He took notice and through non-verbal communication (we were both wearing headphones and I'm sure his music was up as loud as mine) from across the train offers me a paper cranium accessory as well! Of course I accept and place it on my round and shiney dome. Now, I expected him to be satisfied with just bringing me in on his fun, but he proceded to make more and offer them to every single person on the train! Mexican laborers, buisnessmen with laptops, a CTA officer, a mother and a daughter! The only person not taking place was a stereotypical northside blonde stuck up chick who wouldnt even look any of us offering in the eye. She may thing she was above us, but she was the only one not in on the joke so it's her fuckin loss! By the time we got to Belmont there were seven of us in a single train car wearing paper hats! When we hit Diversy the gentleman stood up, got my attention, dropped the paper hats and newspaper in my lap, threw up a peace sign and stepped out the doors. I was now in command of the revolution. The only problem; I cannot make paper hats. I passed out the two that were already made and then scouted people who might be oragami friendly. When I left the train at Washington/Wells the newspapers were in the hands off a chef who just got off work and was more than happy to become a hat maker for awhile. It's just badass knowing that all of us who were in on it got a good smile that day on the train, and were able to take that with us in our day for at least a little while. It was kind of like that move Pay It Forward.. execpt in a way better because it was so simple and small.. Oh and you didn;t have to look at Kevin Spacey's kentucky-fried face or Helen Hunts push up bra! (Inserts Mr. Burns shudder here).... (Reminds himself to punch that Haley Jole-Osmond kid in the face). So, stranger whom I'll never meet again, this is for you.
I got my hat, you get the horns. Thanks man.
I owe the majority of any comfort I had today (I worked ten hours with an hour commute back and forth) to my work boots. Guys you stink like fuck but you're all I have and could want. You deserve thansks as well.
Beaten worn leather
My old cushioned companions
A haiku for shoes