Title: SOmeone to believe in (in progress)
Pairing: Damon/Elena,AU, all human.
Spoilers: NONE
Disclaimer: none of them belong to me at all. Kinda sad though...
"How did it go?"
"Awful, as always," he walks with the hands on his jeans pockets, kicking the leaves as we make our way home. He's been quieter than usual; guess whatever his father told him yesterday took its toll on him.
"Did he say something?"
"Doesn't he always?"
"You know you can tell me anything, right?"
"I know," he smiles sweetly, his bright blue eyes shining with the sunlight.
"Then tell me what he said."
He shrugs, "you know, the usual. He asked me why I haven't settle down, that I was old enough to take over the business, that I was probably doing something terribly wrong with my life. He was being Giuseppe."
"He can't force you to do something you don't want to, Damon. You're free to make your own decisions."
"I know, but he doesn't."
"And what's this crap about you settling down? You're 21 years old."
"Well, he and mom were married at my age, and I guess he thinks that everyone should do that," he sighed once again. Talking about his mother always brought sadness to his voice. "If it wasn't for the fact that she was pregnant with me, they never would have gotten married."
"I think there's something wrong with your father, if you don't mind me saying it."
"Don't I know that?"
"He should be happy you have a job, a fantastic job I may add."
Damon loved his job, he repeatedly said it. He had a talent and he was using it for the greater good. I remember once, when we were kids, he invited me over (when his mother was still alive) to show me a new song his mother taught him on her piano. He was more than fascinated by it, he smiled brightly as he played and his mother was so proud. I told him he had a gift, and something like that should be shared with the world. He kept taking classes after his mother passes away, without his father consent, and later found a job at our local high school teaching whoever wanted to learn. I just wish his father could see all that talent.
"Because you already told him, right?"
"I know what you're going to say."
"It's been over a year now."
"I know."
"You promised me you would talk to him."
"And tell him what exactly? Oh Dad I don't want to take over the business because I'm a piano teacher at my old high school. He would poke my eyes out!"
"He has to understand."
"Surely you're not talking about the same Giuseppe Salvatore I know."
"You can't keep lying to your dad, Damon."
"I've been doing that forever. Which leads me to another important point," he stopped in his tracks and turned around to stare at me.
"If I ask you for a favor would you say yes?"
"What kind of favor?"
"You once said you would do anything to make me happy or to see me smile."
"Of course I would, you're my best friend."
He looked at the ground nervously, playing with the leaves falling at his feet. He's hesitating, he's nervous about asking me whatever is on his mind and that terrifies me, and obviously makes my heart beat faster. My mind can wonder sometimes, at least when it comes to him.
"Promise me you will say yes."
"That's very childish of you."
"Elena, please."
"Fine, I promise."
He takes a deep breath, bites his lips for a brief tiny second and sighs.
"Well since my father kept pushing me to find a girlfriend, I mean not exactly pushed me but you know what I mean? I was so upset and he kept complaining about every single breath I took..."
"Damon, what is it that you wanted to ask me?" I pushed him while he kept rambling about his father.
"I told my father I had a girlfriend and that woman happened to be you," he smiled brightly, or apologetically, I can't figure out which and with his eyes he begged me not to get mad or freak out, or even deny any of this, no matter how crazy it was.
"Let me get this straight. Once again you LIED to your father by telling him me, your best friend, is your girlfriend?"
"You have no idea how cliché that is. I've seen that in movies a hundred times."
"But it always ends up well. Hopefully you will fall for me at the end," he says, smiling and I cannot tear my eyes away from that cute smile of his, and the way his eyes sparkle. He has no idea how true that whole sentence is, with the small difference that I'm already head over heels for him.
"This is wrong," I say shaking my head.
"It will only be for one day, one day I promise," he replies. "My father will be gone in two days and this whole charade will be over."
"Damon I'm not sure..."
"Please. I have no one else to ask, you know me better than anyone in this world it will make complete sense, you won't have to pretend in the slightest."
I could just walk away and leave him to deal with this mess he created, but when I think about it, about all those time in which I dreamed of walking around holding hands with him, smiling and looking happy, I just cannot refuse, even if it's for one day, even if when I wake up this all be over.
"Fine. But you owe me one, a big one."