When I'm stressed, I start pulling out my eyebrows, and sometimes my eyelashes. The result: wonky eyebrows. *grumble*
I’ve had an essay and a presentation, and I’ve also been trying to find a job for summer, all of which have been contributing to the aforementioned stress - a lot more than they should have done, really. I’ve also been wondering whether I should change my course - if I did then I would probably enjoy it more, but there are all sorts of problems with that, like the fact that I’d have to do my second year all over again, and I’d rack up another year of student debt. It would mean also mean that I have to spend another year in Hull! And I’ve been trying to write something for the fandomfusion challenge, but I haven’t been having much success on that front. :(
Until recently I had been watching Twin Peaks. I’ve finished it now, and I just have to say: what the HELL kind of ending is that?!?!?! The world feels considerably less safe now! And, as usual, it was all my favourite characters who died. :’(
My cousin came to visit me last weekend and that was lots of fun. We went out and did lots of dancing (which I hardly ever do!), and played Connect4, and it was all good until the end when one very drunk weirdo started hassling my cousin and asking me about my sexuality! We also went to see Monsters and Aliens in 3D - which I liked very much - and went climbing, which resulted in a great many injuries on both parts. And Fozzy made us nachos - he makes the best nachos in world!
I went to a concert the other night, to see Women of Country. I wasn’t supposed to be going, but my mums work had inconveniently arranged for her to go to Holland on the night of the concert, so I took my granny and uncle instead. I rather enjoyed it: my mum loves country music so I grew up listening to it; I love the way a country song can be written about anything - a blanket, a shirt, or a newspaper article.
I’m home for Easter now, and already I’ve had to start taxi-ing various members of my family around! I’m looking forward to seeing my friends again. I also hope I get to see my friend’s chinchillas, especially since they’re not really very well. A couple of weeks ago they had a baby, but she died after a week. Larsa, the only boy, had to be taken to the vets to be neutered (is that the word?), but he had to go back yesterday for observation and possibly treatment, as he’s now very ill. His dad, Kupo, died not long after his own operation last year, so that has made my friend especially worried about Larsa. I haven’t heard anything yet today about Larsa’s condition; I really hope he’s alright, as he’s my favourite (I’m allowed to pick favourites, as they’re not my pets!).
I have a couple of fairly stupid questions that I hope someone can help me with. Firstly, if I write someone’s LJ username, or a community name, how do I make it show that that person or community is on LJ, not just regular text like this? Secondly, I’ve seen people do multiple cuts in the same post, but when I’ve tried to do that it just puts it under the first one. Why? And more importantly, how do I do it properly? I’ve also noticed that even when people have multiple cuts in their post, everything under the cut is in one post. How, then, do people post chapters of stories without having the first x number of chapters appear in the post above the one the reader clicked on? (I’ll need to know this if I want to post chaptered stories, which I know I’ll want to do if I ever get round to actually writing them!) And finally, how do you link stuff? I’ve noticed people sometimes say “such-and-such can be found here” and ‘here’ is in pink and it takes you to a completely different page.
Sorry about all that, but I really am a computer retard!!