Well, the results are in! You've voted, and for a long time, it looked like a tough choice. Which it was! But it's clear who our Generation 2 torch holder is.
Poll Augh Legacy Generation 2 Heir Congratulations, Roger!
I'll resume with a regular update next week, but I wanted to toss in my two cents about each candidate kid.
For a long time, while they were toddlers and children Roger was my favorite, too. He was the 'good' kid, next to his brother, who was, in my opinion at the time, a little bit of a brat. He was calm and patient, while Jordan was the opposite. When the boys grew to teenagers, however, I started to enjoy Jordan a lot more. He came to be sweet and sensitive, even if he did have some mother issues. I also started to worry about Roger as a teenager, since for some reason, Frank one day decided that he didn't like him.
Between the girls, I guess I didn't really hide my favoritism of Sierra during their childhood, simply because I thought she was really pretty. Unfortunately, since the house was so busy with seven Sims in it, I don't think I really got much of a chance to get to know the girls' personalities while they were children. It wasn't until they became teens that I really started to notice for one, how pretty they all are, and two, what each of them were really like. Sierra seems to be something of a tomboy, with her love of the outdoors and her desire to play catch every waking moment. When she developed both the hot headed and good traits, I wondered why they didn't cancel each other out, but later discovered that Aspen is a lot like me. And Robin's commitment issues trait would really have proven interesting, had she been chosen as heir.
While I'm very happy for Roger being chosen, it's gunna be hard to have the other kids move out. I'm both excited and dreading the fact that they're going to go on to lead their own lives. Will they be successful? Will they marry? Will they have children? Will I even remember to take the time to occasionally check up on them... let alone keep them as Roger's friends!?
And since he is literally one day away from Elderhood, and I'm getting ready to pass the torch on, I thought I'd pay one last tribute to Frank.
Oh Frank.
Somehow, you and your neurotic, inappropriate, hot headed ways stole a special place in my heart. I think it might be because he's the first Sim that I had taken pictures of and posted on my LJ, and that there are people who actually enjoy reading my updates about him! Which, by the way, thank you everyone who has come to love Frank almost as much as I do!
When I first got The Sims 3 and was playing around with creating a Sim, I was very amused to see the trait 'inappropriate', and knew that I had to make a Sim with that trait. I started brewing ideas that I would make a Sim with nothing but really off-the-wall traits, who would just be a total jerk to everyone, and I could just have as the total opposite of every good Sim I've ever made before. And his last name would be Augh.
Augh: [ahg]
Used to express a range of strong emotions such as frustration or excitement.
Eg. Augh, can this day end already?
Eg. Augh, that's amazing!
Eg. AUGH!!
So I started to create a Sim, and for the most part, left his looks with the randomly generated Sim it gave me when I started CAS. So Frank ended up with blonde hair and blue eyes. I made him to be as scrawny as possible and chose his clothes. As I had mentioned in one of my first posts, I had forgotten to set his favorites and his voice, so I ended up with a pretty interesting combination for this guy. It was also during this CAS session that I discovered the 'make a twin' feature. Could you imagine if Frank had a twin?
I moved Frank into his house, but when he got there, we discovered that it had been hit by a meteor! I had him move in anyway and start to clean it up. It took a really long time, even with the 'help' of a firefighter, who picked up maybe three rocks and called it a day.
I hadn't really intended on making a legacy with him, but along the way, I got the idea (I think a few friends encouraged me) to take pictures and post them. I started just with a basic introduction without a story line, which has progressed into the legacy we have now. I was even hesitant to have him start a family, and kept his aging off for a long time, which is how I managed to get his LTW out of the way so quickly.
So now Frank is ready to move on to the next stage of his life. I think a few generations down the line (or sooner if I'm impatient), in order to cope with the eventual loss of Frank, I will have to place a copy of him somewhere into my town, just for fun.
Thanks so much for voting, guys!! =D