Howdy, Chad! Yeah, I guess I'm doing okay. I don't think I'll be doing WELL until I get out of here though. Tomorrow is gonna be soooo full. I've got two days worth of errands to do, and that's all BEFORE the party. God I'm glad I got some sleep today...
S'funny you mention that, I was suggesting the same thing a day or two ago. They're RE-routing my leave chit on Tuesday. God knows what'll happen to it.
If you want to try you can always mention that you've been doing fine in the however many weeks since you got off of restriction and perhaps it was just an error in judgement, wait probably shouldn't phrase it that way. Have you seen Ari yet? That's me nosy as ever. I'm off to Baltimore next week for Parent's weekend at the USNA...fairly excited. You sound better. Say 'hi' to your Ma for me.
PS I have been thinking about what you wrote and I guess I see it differently. Life is the most essential element. How many people do you know who are not really alive? They are wrapped up in a pretend life, one I call the photo album seems like they lived but they didn't. Death seems to me to be an unavoidable nuisance, nothing more. Everything should be on the line anyway, ante up, play for all you've got. You can have the thin wire but I try to get out there and BE as a real person. I think the not=real are becomming easier to spot.
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