John Harkness was a frequent poster to back in the day...that is, back in the day when it had a lot of poker content, and stuff that was really useful.
Here's a picture I got of him at the final table of the BARGE NLHE event which he won in 1999.
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The thing that made the Jelly Belly spill the funniest is that we actually waited about 15 minutes while he went and picked up the 50 flavor variety box from the players club. He shared graciously, was intent on enjoying them for a week or so and then BOOM... I always called John "RGP and BARGE's kindly crumudgeon".
I first met him in person at the first MARGE, IIRC, and spent many hours talking with him about movies, poker, art, radio, and just about every other subject under the sun. He was brilliant and conversant in most topics. He will be sorely missed.
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