The Tag: Page 10

Nov 22, 2006 17:39

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Comments 62

balthaser November 22 2006, 12:40:36 UTC
1st post


rashina November 22 2006, 17:24:41 UTC
Do you feel fulfilled now?
... )


grimthelost November 22 2006, 12:53:25 UTC
That is the best cameo EVARRRR!!!!


silverleaf79 November 22 2006, 13:11:03 UTC
That really is spooky.

Does Frank have an alternative life we don't know about??


ryanestrada November 22 2006, 13:26:01 UTC
He probably just got a second job for some extra cash. I don't know how much eating deleted posts and appreciating calls pays.


serafina09 November 22 2006, 13:17:42 UTC
Frank's everywhere. Or so it seems. He's taking over the world. I, for one, welcome our new goat overload. :D


mere_bystander November 22 2006, 20:25:39 UTC
(side note: Love the icon! I loved Dead Like Me!!!)


rainbowdreams12 November 23 2006, 01:25:32 UTC


pnaama November 22 2006, 13:21:53 UTC
I might be wrong, but that "Frank" looks more like a sheep rather than a goat. :)


ellipser November 22 2006, 14:06:29 UTC
I agree. It's a shorn sheep. Goats have floppy-down ears, and those ears are standy-uppy.

Aaaaaaaaaaand . . . Frank in Ellen's commercial is a ewe. If it was a ram, you would definitely be able to tell, especially in the close up.


alien_sunset November 22 2006, 15:16:38 UTC
Not necessarily, different breeds of goats have different types of ears, some breeds don't even have ears, just holes.

Same for different breeds of sheep.

I cant really get a good enough look from the screen cap to really tell what kind of animal it is.

And of course they used a female stand in... Do you really want such a close up of ram bits? ;)


ellipser November 22 2006, 15:20:10 UTC
Well, it looks an awful lot like the sheep we raise.

And I've seen more ram bits than I ever could have wanted to. =P


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