Good news : finished with my finals, have too much of free time, play too much BASARA 3, yadda yadda. Bad news : My modem's WLAN won't work, my PC is broken-- I need to back up everything before I send it to service shop again, etc
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I'm sick and bored and I refuse to do my school work. I've embarrassed myself in front of this lecturer yesterday and I still can't get over it uuugh
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Ahahahaa, my mom dropped 8 of my nieces and nephew for one night and then went off to Jakarta again. I've never been so tired before. I have no idea why kids of my relatives likes me, they constantly call me SISSS, SISSS KYAAAAAAAAA and try to jump on me orz.
GOOD BYE, MY EXCEPTIONALLY BAD SEMESTERI'm done, I'm freaking doneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I successfully submitted every assignments, paper and pretty satisfied with my finals
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