From this point of view, for both male and female writers, “literary texts are coercive, imprisoning . . . literature usurps a reader’s interiority, it is an invasion of privacy”
disagree, since opening a book is an act of free will)
while if we miss out 'literary', then partially it can be true. e.g. some ads on the street are really annoying - many people can't help but read all texts they see
Comments 6
нельзя ли сказать, что любая коммуникация, направленная на субъекта, usurps interiority?
спасибо, интересно будет почитать
а я вот ее не читала (в электронном виде не нашла)
while if we miss out 'literary', then partially it can be true. e.g. some ads on the street are really annoying - many people can't help but read all texts they see
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