i was first (but not really)

Jun 04, 2014 18:11

I was first (but not really)
baekyeol (Baekhyun/Chanyeol)
romance, humour, gROSS FLUFF
~1.2k words

Byun Baekhyun couldn’t remember when he first tried to catch the eye of the caramel hair stranger in the café they both frequent at. He had thought it’d be an easy task of getting a conversation going after subtly brushing past his table and showcasing his defined jaw line but it felt every day he felt the courage to strike up a conversation, the tall lanky male would make a no show or rush out the café in a hurry. Today he just let his gaze meet the back of the too skinny male across the room from him, reading a book and his spectacles dangling precariously from his tall nose bridge.

“Byun Bakehan!” Baekhyun shook his head in disbelief before following the voice to the counter and pick up his morning coffee. He’d been frequenting at this place for over a year and they had yet to get his name correct. Before he arrived at the counter, a familiar name was called out and the apple of his eye leapt up from his window seat and almost skipped to the coffee machine.

Baekhyun’s eyes widened at the ice coffee standing proud on the bench. It was in the middle in January and no sane person would drink an ice coffee without having a death wish. Baekhyun reached out his hand from his pocket and shivered from the shock of the cold air, and made an attempt to grab his special extra hot latte. Except it wasn’t on the bench anymore.

He frantically looked around to find his pick-me-up was in the hands of the Park Chanyeol he’s been secretly peeking at behind his well-read Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets first edition every morning the last four months.

“Excuse me, I think that’s my coffee you have there.”

Baekhyun winced at his sharp tone and reprimanded himself for his first words to his Crush of Twelve Months sounding like a snob.

“Huh? I could’ve sworn I ordered a latte this morning.” Chanyeol said while scrunching his eyebrows together and pouting at the take away coffee cup.

“I’m pretty sure that iced coffee is yours uh…”

“Chanyeol. Park Chanyeol.”

“Chanyeol-ssi.” Baekhyun smiled to himself, finally able to mutter that name without feeling like a creep.

“Not again!! The new kid at the counter just came from China and still thinks I say ‘ice cream,’ instead of ‘no cream’.” Chanyeol pouted and looked at the lonely ice coffee with self-pity.

I will not sacrifice my morning ritual for a stranger. A good looking stranger no less but nooOOOoOOO. no. don’t pou-

“You could have my latte if you like Chanyeol-ssi. I think I feel like an ice coffee anyway.”

Chanyeol’s eyes widen to the size of saucers and a grin breaks though, exposing his pearly white teeth and surprising Baekhyun with a bear hug. This is. An unexpected turn out. Oh well. May as well milk it as much as possible.

“Do you want to come sit with me? I’m getting bored of reading about a boy wizard who seems to have a more exciting life than I do.” Chanyeol nods happily and walks his newly attained latte to Baekhyun’s empty table. Baekhyun follows before remembering his iced coffee and holds it in two fingers hoping that frostbite won’t set in immediately.

“How’d you know this was my table?” Baekhyun asks while quickly dropping the below freezing beverage on the wooden table.

Chanyeol shrugs while sipping his piping hot coffee. Baekhyun eyes the cup jealously.

“Drink up! Caffeine is an important part of everyone’s day!” Chanyeol exclaims, waving his arms around extravagantly.

Baekhyun gingerly picks up his plastic cup and take a brisk sip and swiftly place it back down like a hot iron. But even a red hot iron would feel nice in this circumstance.

I kind of regret being a nice person.

“Hey Baekhyun-ssi.”

“Baekhyun’s fine. I mean, I gave you my morning latte so I guess we’re off the strangers base.”

"Oh awesome. Do you wanna go out for a stroll? I’m kind of bored of the scenery here. And that Chinese boy is glaring at your untouched iced coffee. It’s kind of unnerving.”

Baekhyun glanced up to the coffee machine and saw Luhan, the Chinese exchange worker, peering over the shiny black machine with beady eyes.

“Uh... yeah that sounds like a good idea.”

They both quickly stand up and walk out into the chilly late autumn morning. Baekhyun belatedly notices an absence of a tall gangly man and twirls in a staggered stance to find his new acquaintance. DID HE DITCH ME?

“Who are you looking for? It’s too late to run away now.”

Baekhyun turns another half round and sees a grinning Chanyeol, holding two cups of steaming coffee.

“I could tell you hated the iced coffee so I took the liberty of buying you a new one. Super duper hot latte with two sugars to your rescue!” He raises his arms and makes airplane noises before stopping just in front of Baekhyun and handing the coffee to him.

Baekhyun holds in a giggle and takes the coffee from Chanyeol’s large hands. “Let’s go!”


“You know for months and months I basically eye raped you every time you came into the cafe.” Baekhyun says from his comfortable position across Chanyeol’s lap. “I’d try to figure out what you did every morning while absently flicking through my Harry Potter novel.”

“Huh. I’d always only go to that cafe because you were there. So many times I’d just pass by your table just to get your attention but you’d just pretend I didn’t exist.”

“Yo. Park Chanyeol. My eyes were on you the second you walked in. You're the one with attention issues here. I was there every day with the same coffee. I made it quite obvious to watch you. You just didn’t make the connection.”

“Baek. That day when I got the iced coffee…”

“Oh my god…”

“It was on purpose.”


“Well, you never noticed my advances so I had to make it glaringly obvious. I had to give Luhan a super large tip so he wouldn’t blurt it all to you.”

“Wait. He can speak Korean?” Baekhyun says, eyebrows twitching.

“Baek, he’s in Yonsei. Studying Korean Literature. I daresay he has better Korean than you and I.”


Chanyeol grips Baekhyun’s arm from threatening to hit his (precious) face and places them back down.

“Just admit it, Latte Boy. You’re terrible at flirting. I, on the other hand am a pro.”

“I hardly think that forcing me to sip at an ice coffee on a freezing day is considered flirting, Chanyeol.” Baekhyun quips wryly, settling back down on his boyfriend’s lap.

“Well I got what I wanted anyway. That’s all that matters isn’t it?”

Baekhyun lets a giggle escape his lips and hooks his arms around Chanyeol’s neck to bring him down into a kiss.

“Owowowowowow my neck isn’t that flexible, Baek.” The taller complains after they separate. Baekhyun punches his shoulder, sits up into a more comfortable position, and presses his lips to Chanyeol’s again. This time, it’s perfect.

baekyeol, one-shot

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