While we were out the tables and chairs in one of the rooms had been converted into a makeshift altar - various painted chicken bones were laid out in patterns (this was also done on someone pillow - which was found later on) and a pad with some red script and symbols on it.
I realised that while out on the field exercise I had run past a set of exactly the same bones in a firepit in one of the clearings. I told Alex and he went off and retrieved them making sure he took photographs of the area before he disturbed the set up. There was also a wooden block with them, with the numbers again marked on it in charcoal.
There was also an odd looking fingerprint on the girls toilet door.
The forensic/Detective team did their stuff while everyone else continued trying to break the codes and hypothesise about what was going on.
A couple of film makers for a Living TV documentary (Most Haunted) turned up and told us a bit about the history of the site they were staying on but people were keen to get them to leave as soon as possible and those of us around were asked not to talk to them in for security reasons.
After the second exercise we returned to base and looked at the materials and evidence that had been collected. Sam and I also had another private session with the instructors.
During the course of the day things gradually became more intense. Sam had a hallucination that he was on fire and 3 of us had to restrain him and talk him down. Rebecca, a surveillance expert, went missing in the woods and then later returned with a sinister black book which she had found. Another two sets of bones along with some incense and a bible was discovered in two different locations. About this point all the instructors began to look agitated. It turned out that some of the events last night and that morning had been engineered by them as part of the test but now things were happening which had nothing to do with them and they were getting concerned. They also revealed what the agency had been about all along.
Jake received a total of two voicemails on his phone from an unidentified scottish male saying that we were being watched and that he wanted to help us. Jake and Adam took themselves off to analyse the message while the rest of us planned what to do next. 3 of the instructors went off to sort out some dinner for us and we then brainstormed how we were going to fix the situation.
We decided it was likely that the ghosts in the area (originally a monastery had been burned down and the strange events dated from then)needed to be put to rest. Various other clues led us to look at passages 1.13 and 5.14 of revalations in the bible and this was indeed chilling as the passages connected directly to some of thethings we had seen and evidence collected.
After dinner we spent some more time discussing what to do but events moved swiftly. Two of the instructor burst in because the chapel at the top of the site was glowing. When we went to investigate most members of the team fell over experiencing painful hallucinations. Christian Blake (linguistic expert) went into a state of total catelepsy which I had to wake him out of and get him back to the facility.
Everyone was pretty shaky when we got back in and the leader Clive immediately started brainstorming on the board. However this was pretty haphazard and not completely helpful. Jake and Adam suddenly appeared and were quizzed as to where they had been. Jake replied with a completely straight face that they had just got back from the chapel where they had been taking readings and everyone shouted "what do you mean the chapel! Was it glowing, what did you see." Jake and Adam said they hadn't seen anything and everyone was suddenly even more stressed than they had been before.
Laurence one of the instructors got up to say something but no-one was listening and lots of people were shouting at each other. However when he collapsed and started convulsing on the floor everyone went quiet. Under his jacket blood was starting to seep through his T-Shirt spelling out the words REV 8.13 (Not sure if I remembered this correctly). We checked the Bible and again it was pretty chilling stuff.
We decided to go and lay the bones to rest in the Chapel grounds. But first we needed to collect a few more from a previous sit as 3 were missing. Laurence and I went out to get them and couldn't see anything, I heard a single tap and we whirled rounds to notice the bone on the floor. It had fallen out of the air and was lying on the ground. I got all three of them and took them back to find a scene of chaos. Extreme poltergeist activity was rocking the facility and everyone was panicking. Me and a couple of the others grabbed the incense and the bones and then got everyone to come up to the chapel with us. We lit the incense and laid the bones out in front of the alter in the pattern that they had been found in. Then everything really went
crazy. The poltergeist activity started and the only catholic amongst us led everyone in a chant of the lords prayer. But, we were missing two of the bones. Someone ran back to get them whilst everyone else continued the chanting, Steve and me were standing right in front of the alter and somehow stopping felt like it wasn't an option once we had started.
The other 5 people with me at the altar all started to exhibit signs of stigmata. I had to hold Steve up and shout at him to get his attention and bring him back to focussing on what we were doing. He broke through it and we gripped on to each other carrying on chanting while everyone else was laid out on the floor screaming in pain. After what seemed like an age the bones were brought back and we did one final repetition. It worked but as the spirit departed it gave us a message to go to [X] location at the September full moon. [OOC - Ihad an idea when this happened that this meant we were actually in a campaign and as it turned out I was right:) HURRAH!]
We all gathered ourselves up and headed back. The next morning we were all given the opportunity of joining the agency which everyone with one exception did.
[Next entry is the OOC stuff!]