Title: Cats Are Weird
Summary: After Carol’s battle with Yon-Rogg, Chewie has a few concerns about his human’s ability to fight and takes matters into his own paws, much to the bafflement of Captain Marvel and Spider-Woman. Spoilers for Captain Marvel #14.
Rating: PG
Warnings: Small animals get killed by a cat.
Pairings: Jess & Carol
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Comments 5
But thank you! I'm glad you liked it. Jess and Carol are MY FAVORITE (well, Natasha is my favorite, which was why she got more mentions than everybody else), so it was fun to play in this playground. :)
I do have to say, my favorite character in the fic is Chewie. I've had a couple of cats like him.
“Maybe he’s concerned you’re not eating enough.” -- LOL!
And my love for Clint did drop a smidge with the Roger Moore era Bond thing -- Sean Connery was a much better Bond ;)
I based Chewie, literally, off of cat videos I've seen and gifs on Tumblr. I've never had a cat, always kind of feared them really. My best friend had two cats growing up and I liked both of them, but I was never much attached to them. As I got older, I got to liking cats more, and I love Carol's interactions with Chewie in the comic books (at one point, Dr. Strange has spoken to Carol through Chewie).
Hahaha, Clint has horrible taste. I thought everybody knew this? ;)
I grew up around cats, my family always had a couple of them. Some were better hunters than others and a couple of them did do the bring-the-live-catch-into-the-house thing. Luckily not with a snake, but we did have a cat that tried it -- she'd managed to bring a baby bunny into the house so we learned not to just open the door for her without checking! She got into a royal snit about not being let in with the snake too!
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