Jul 22, 2011 23:04

 I tried really hard not to write this whiny post. I just want to go on record as saying that.

Borders is closing. All of them, everywhere. You can read about it online if you're wondering about the how and the why, but it mostly comes down to publishers deciding that they could get more money out of us if we closed. I'm not sure how 11,000 people who did buy books who will no longer have the money to because they just lost their jobs is going to work out for them though. Probably not well.

Today was our first day of liquidation. And boy did it ever suck. Almost everyone was nice about it, and we didn't get any of those terrible people who went to the downtown store to tell them they were glad it was closing. Everyone said that they were sorry, and it was such a shame to see us go. Then those same people dropped $100 dollars on books that were mostly only 10% off. 10%!!! YOU GET A 30% OFF COUPON IN YOUR EMAIL EVERY WEEK FOR FREE. *is a giant squid of anger*

I mean, where the fuck were they since February? All these people came in and said how sorry they were, then plunked down $100 on books they could have saved 3 times as much last week. Just because now we have a bunch of signs up, they think they are saving a ton WHEN THEY ARE ACTUALLY LOSING MONEY. I know it is wrong to be angry at the customers, especially the ones that are nice about it, but god damn it. If we had numbers like this since February we would have saved the company. I would be able to keep the job that I loved, and I wouldn't have had to explain to a little boy that we weren't going to be there anymore to recommend good books. That life wasn't fair. I know everyone has to learn it, but it broke my heart that it was over BOOKS. Books are the things that should be telling you that even though life isn't fair, you can find a way to change it, to make it better somehow.

I know I'll find something else. I know that I should look on this as an opportunity for change and transition. Chris has said he'll go anywhere, even New York if I wanted. For those of you that don't know Chris, this is a big deal for him. I'll learn from this, find a way to make it better.

But jesus it hurts.

sad, books, job

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