[[ Name ]] Jen
[[ Nicknames ]] so so many.
[[ Birthday ]] may 14.
[[ Age ]] 21
[[ Astrological Sign ]] taurus
[[ Location ]] lowell.
[[ Sexual Preference ]] boys.
[[ Marital Status ]] dating. kind of.
[[ Current Haircolor ]] dark reddish brown.
[[ Eyecolor ]] toilet bowl blue. lol.
[[ Parents still together? ]] um....
[[ Siblings? ]] 1
[[ Nieces/Nephews? ]] 3.
[[ Kids of your own? ]] magic.
[[ Pets? ]] magic, missy, tango, gypsy, sarah, scarface, and 7 fish.
[[ In school/graduated? ]] highschool.
[[ What do you do for work? ]] answer phones.
[[ How much do you make? ]]11.00 and hour.
[[ Have any credit cards? ]] none.
[[ What do you drive? ]] nothing yet.
[[ Black and White/Color ]] b/w.
[[ Black/White ]] black.
[[ Red/Blue ]] red.
[[ Roses/Daisies ]] daisies.
[[ Beer/Liquor ]] beer.
[[ Boxers/Briefs ]]
[[ Hair: Short/Long ]] either.
[[ Boots/Shoes ]] boots.
[[ Food: Mexican/Italian ]] italian.
[[ Dark/Light ]] dark.
[[ Day/Night ] night.
[[ Sheets: Solid/Animal Prints ]] solid for now.
[[ Color ]] purple, dark blue, red, black.
[[ Animal ]] cats. der.
[[ Vehicle ]] hmm
[[ Flower ]] none at the moment
[[ Beer ]] bud light.
[[ Alcohol ]] see above.
[[ Soda ]] nestea.
[[ Food ]] chikan. lol.
[[ Book ]] many.
[[ CD ]] can't pick just one.
[[ Song ]] eh.
[[ Movie ]] many.
[[ Country ]] none.
[[ State ]] ma.
[[ City ]] boston.
[[ Class ]] none.
[[ Movie genre ]] horror. suspense.
Do You...
[[ Color your hair? ]] lots.
[[ Have tattoos? ]] yea.
[[ Piercings? ]] ears.
[[ Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both? ]] nope.
[[ Floss daily? ]] nope.
[[ Own a webcam? ]] phone.
[[ Ever get off the damn computer? ]] when I'm at work.
[[ Sprechen Sie Deutcsh? ]] uh....no.
[[ Hablar Espanol? ]] nope.
[[ Quack? Quack quack? ]] ruber duckie...you're the one!
[[ Gotten a speeding ticket? ]] nope.
[[ How fast? ]]
[[ DUI? ]] nope.
[[ Been in a wreck? ]]
[[ Been arrested? ]] almost
[[ Stolen a car? ]] nope.
[[ Smoke? ]] nope.
[[ Pot? ]] nope.
[[ Drink? ]] yup.
[[ Been so drunk you couldn't remember your name? ]] once.
[[ Been so drunk you didn't care that you couldn't remember your name? ]] lol. once.
[[ Considered a life of crime? ]] lol.
[[ Considered being a hooker? ]] nope.
[[ Maybe a pimp? ]] nope.
[[ Cheated on someone? ]] never.
[[ Been married? ]] nope.
[[ Been divorced? ]] nope.
[[ Are you psycho? ]] nope.
[[ Split personalities? ]] maybe...
[[ Schizophrenic? ]] nope.
[[ Had sex outdoors? ]] nope.
[[ What are you listening to? ]] der.
[[ What are you watching? ]] football. bleck.
[[ What time is it? ]] 541 pm
[[ What are you wearing? ]] longsleeve shirt, pj bottoms. slippers.
[[ Wanna cyber? ]] sorry, my onine boyfiend wouldn't approve.
[[ What're you drinking? ]] nothing.
[[ Eating? ]] kit kat bites.
[[ Got both hands on the keyboard? ]] yea.
[[ Who are you talkin to? ]] nick, chad, patrick, monkey, mike.
[[ What other windows do you have open? ]] aim, netscape.
[[ How bored are you? ]] lots and lots.
If you could...
[[ Be anywhere, where would you be? ]] either sleeping, or in ohio, texas.
[[ What would you be doin? ]] dreaming, hanging wioth kitty or jason.