Title: A Glitch In My Soul - Chapter 7 - A Little More Than I Deserve Author: freakingdork Pairing: Morgan/Reid Rating: FRT Word Count: 2423 Summary & Disclaimer: see chapter 1 Chapter 7 Warnings: none
When I was a child I told my parents that I wanted to go to America and ride a horse like a cowboy, round up some cows, meet some "real" Indians, shoot a real gun, go to one of thoses frozen cities where the steam comes out of the roads and see a "chips" policeman. Now as an adult I find the country just gives me an unpleasant feeling. There are so many contradictions there, rich movie stars and families with kids living under bridges, stupid cosmetic surgeries and people who can't get/afford medical help that they need, places like San Francisco and then religious nutters like in this story. For such a rich country the USA is one hell of a messed up place.
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Now as an adult I find the country just gives me an unpleasant feeling. There are so many contradictions there, rich movie stars and families with kids living under bridges, stupid cosmetic surgeries and people who can't get/afford medical help that they need, places like San Francisco and then religious nutters like in this story. For such a rich country the USA is one hell of a messed up place.
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