(no subject)

Jan 04, 2006 16:06

What is your birth name: lisa marie
What is the name everyone calls you: lisafer
What gender are you: female.
What gender would you rather be: female. though i would like to be a male so i can piss on a tree & write my name in the snow.
What gender do you like better: i don't really prefer a gender.. i think we all are equal.
Which gender are you more sexually inclined towards? males.
Whats your sign: virgo, baby.
Is your sign compatible with me(Taurus): yes. we both are earth signs.
Whats your favorite color: rainbow! hehe.
How old are you: 18.
How old do you normally say you are: 18.
How old do you wish to be: 21.
How old will you be when you die: probably 70. or 88.

Some Questions That I Also Want To Know
Name an interesting fact for all of us to know? (Preferably Marijuana Related): holland has led the way in cannabis reform since it amended its opium act in 1976 to distinguish among drugs according to levels of risk. identifying cannabis as a "soft drug," the dutch government decided to treat possession and cultivation of up to 30 grams as activities "not for prosecution, detection or arrest." this policy of tolerance paved the way for the "coffee shop system" of publicly distributing both marijuana and hashish.
How long have you been smoking: since i was 11.
Name something that all the world should know about you: uh.. i grow my own weed.
Tell us why you smoke weed: it gets my creative juices flowing.
Do any other drugs? yup.
What are they? concerta, vicodin, shrooms.

You're first time...smoking
What did you smoke out of: a pipe.
...If you answered a bowl, did you know how to use the carb, if there was a carb on it: no carb.
How did you feel: i felt like laughing.
Do you still smoke with some of the people you smoked with the first time: yep!
Did you eat: i went to taco bell and munched!
Where were you: & my house on the front porch.
Did you have a good or bad time: good time! i couldn't stop laughing
After the first time you smoked, when was the next time you smoked after that: the next day.
If you could, would you relive your first smoking experiance? yes!

Another catagory of questions about drugs and general, some about yourself, some not. I like it when you are thorough on you're answers.
What drugs would you do: acid, x.
What drugs wouldn't you do: crack, herion.
Whats your favorite drug: marijuana.
Would you legalize Marijuana: maybe. if the goverment wouldn't fuck with it & tax it to high hell.
If you had one wish, what would it be: i would be filthy rich. who says money can't buy happiness? i'd have a lot of weed to keep me mellow.
Do your parents know you smoke, even if you don't live with them, still answer the question: yes.
Whats the weather where you are right now: cold.
Why do you like Marijuana: because it brings people together & i get creative when i'm high.
What is your favorite thing about Marijuana: the growing process & smoking
What do you call Marijuana: weed, buddah, bud, gonja, tree bark ( so my little nephew doesn't know what i'm talking about ).
What do you like to smoke Marijuana out of the most (bong, bowl, blunt, etc.): blunts & bongs. and this bong i made -->

Do you smoke by yourself: sometimes.
Whats your favorite bands: mindless self indulgence, sublime, nirvana, system of a down, lords of acid, jack off jill, otep, android lust, tom petty.. if you'd like to know more, check my user-info.
Whats your favortie munchie: crackers & cheese.
Are you high right now: no, sadly. my plants haven't budded yet.
Are you tired of answering these long questions: not really.


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