Character: Kaitlyn ("Kait")
Age: 23
Job: Your Enthusiastic And Assertve Activities Authority Head
Canon: Say you're 17, have been gifted with phenomenal cosmic power, and live in the UK. Got it? Good. Now say that the government has deemed you both a dangerous freak and an angel of destruction. What do you do? For 12 teens this means they choose to sink London and royally fuck up the rest of the world. Six years later, the world is still picking itself up and these teens now are all grown up and trying to make reparations.
Luckily they all seem to specialize in something, some in engineering, some in spiritual healing, or like Kaitlyn, crime fighting. Kaitlyn believes in Justice. She believes in handcuffs, tonfas, and hitting evil doers in the face. Crime shows are her Bible and she isn't beyond projecting her voice into your head in the middle of the night to accuse you of a crime. Don't take that to mean she's all talk, when Kait says "Anyone who tries to hug me will be shot dead" she means it. She also gets a ladyboner during murder confessions, true facts. In short, Kait's absolutely mental.
Sample Entry:
All right, listen up you deadheads. I'm Kaitlyn and usually I'm the police. But lucky you, your Elizabeth Sayre has hired me to organize some games. Fun stuff. Enjoyable stuff. Relaxing stuff. So here's what's going to happen, you listen to me and we all have fun. You choose to ignore me and I put the "fun" back in "your spine is no longer functional."
We're going to play cops and robbers -- and no-one better give me shit for the game choice. Cops and robbers is a great game. So you lot are going to divide up into two teams. One team is going to be cops and the other team is going to be low-life scum. Yes, scum, that's exactly what I said. And this doesn't refer to their looks, even if most of you look like you took a dive into the deep end of a nuclear dumpsite. I don't do discrimination, all right? The law is just and unbiased and I am the fucking law. Now, a couple of rules.
You will play fair. Anyone caught breaking the rules will be shot dead. If any of you cops decide to defect to the other side, you will be shot dead. No matter what the robbers offer you, you stick to your job. I won't have any dirty cops on my watch. As cops your job is to apprehend the bad guys, got it?
Robbers, your job is to try your best to flee the crime scene. You get caught, we put you in jail. And it won't be one of those sissy jails from your childhood. I came prepared and brought my own jail. See this? This is where we'll keep you, and I promise you all those chains and cuffs aren't for show. This place is secure.
Cops, remember that after you catch the robbers you will give them a fair trial. This means interrogating them. You can use any means necessary, but remember that a dead robber is no good to anyone - you can't convict a corpse for a crime. If interrogation makes you uncomfortable, I I'll? understand and will take over for you. Robbery confessions aren't as exciting as murder confessions ... but it'll have to do ...
So those are the rules. If you have any questions, you should have listened better. You will play this game and you will like it. Don't look so down, you're in good hands since I'm your - What did I tell you? You break the rules, I shoot you. Now you've tried to fight the law, and the law won. - Y.E.A.A.H.