BULLET IN A BIBLE is the BEST fuckin music dvd in the whole fuckin world...GREEN DAY is the BEST fuckin band in the whole fuckin world....GO BUY BULLET IN A BIBLE NOW!!!
Well, we are off to the Sunshine State. Hopefully it will be warm and toasty, cuz I can't stand this fuckin cold ass weather grrr... Anyways, no one prolly care that I'm gone but I KNOW you WILL care that DAN is gone! Anyways, sorry to leave all ur ass's here in this cold state but I'M OUTTA HERE...be back on the 31st.
2 days ago, i'v decided that im gonna to the whole 40 Days and 40 Nights thing. Has anyone seen that movie? Then you would know what I'm talking about. I really believe that I can do it. GO ME!!!!