..::Name=Amanda Nicole.
..::Age= Fifteen.
..::Sexual Preference= Straight.
..::Location=Bedroom in new york.
..::Status (pictures?) Single most deff.=
..::Got a Myspace?=Yup yup. Myspace.com/Andandmandagoes_boom
..::How did you hear about us? (I need a username-this goes towards honor roll) My friend Amanda.jarsiick=
..::8+ General Things= Swimming; reading;photography; babysitting; dancceing; my sistter, arts and crafts;bestfriends.
..::5+ Bands=Brand new; Death cab for cutie;gregory and the hawk; our lady peace; sherwood; taking back sunday.
..::5+ Movies= A walk to Remeber; the butterfly effect; The breakfest club, pretty in pink, monster, finding nemmo, garden state.
..::5+ Books= Uglies; To kill a mockingbird; the giver,Romeo and Juliet,great expectations, The clique.
..::Ice cream=Soft twist.
..::Mod=Personally; i dont know any. But i think wires_andwaves_is pretty to the maxx.
..::Word= Contraversial.
..::Scent=Cucumber melon.
((Least Favorite))
..::8+ General Things=Ehh. mosquitos, hatred,liars, negatives, bad grades, being lonely, belly bottoms, Cuts and bruises, when my eyes itch, fighting.
..::3+Bands= ehh.Rellient k. Backstreetboys; Hawthorne heights.
..::Beverage=Virgin Daquirdies. sp..
..::Word=HAtE. i disslke that worrdd soo much.
..::Person (pictures???)=
She thinks shes amazzing; Well shes not.>=
..::vegetable=ehh Califllower.. eww.
((Make Us Laugh))
..::Joke or Funny picture=
..::Are Geeks hot?= Mosttt deff.
..::Tell us about yourself : 7-14 sentences= Im a kid whos ordinary but no one knows her. When you meet me you will think im lke 17 or 16 because i dont acct my age att all. I've been hurt by everyone who has ever gotten close to me. Ive been dancing since i was 3. I am one of the most dependable people you will ever meet. When you meet me you'll wanna either spend ever minute ith me or not spend any time with me at all. Since i was 10 ive been driving. My father took me to a church and told me to drive around in the parking lot; sweet right. I liketo listen to music and sit in the grass. I enjoy photography even thought half the world does. My best friend is everything to me and i get sick when people tell me to stop tlaking about her. Because shes amazing. and she is like my twin. And im totally inro livejournal and myspace. Im smart; compasionate; sweet; outgoing;loud and i have an amzzing personality. I want to major in sycology and make some kids totally understand whta there going through. Oh and i wish my name was Amelie.
..::Show us something you made=
..::Show us your significant other/the one you want.=
Joshyy hes a pretty cool kid.
..::Have and tattoos? Piercing? Show us=I only have my ears pierced. But i want a tatto. not sure of what.
..::Do you speak a language? If yes, type a sentence in that language=No habla ingles.
..::If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be, and why?=My ability to fall in and out of love. Because i dont know when to do it and when not to. and i get hurt.
..::What do you think about Vegetarians/Vegans/Animal rights?= I want to be a vergiatian because its horrible what they do to animals. and i think animals should get rights but they dont.
..::What is YOUR definition of love?=This high feeling and good feeling that you get around someone that you dont feel when you around anyone else. This feeling of security and of comfort.
..::Describe your style=Anything and everything. Im big on hair shoes, makeup and accesories. If i feel comfortable in it. I probroaly will wear it.
((Community Stuff))