News, updates, rants

Nov 15, 2009 22:34

I am now on partial bed rest, which means some freedom, which means joy! I haven't had any bleeding in 15 days, and I go in again on Thursday for another check up. Last time there was still bleeding around the placenta even though I wasn't having any discharge, so there was still some concern. I am hoping for complete ending of that kind of trouble when I go in. The nightmares have mostly stopped about it also, which is nice. My ass still itches/hurts from the shots, which I did not expect. I guess a month of shoving liquid into my muscles made them angry. I am feeling good, but tired, and my hips and pelvis are achy. My belly is tender from where the muscles are starting to expand, and its making it harder to get around. I also have this interesting constipation/diarrhea combo, where I am constipated and then all of a sudden things loosen up and its time to go RIGHT NOW FOR REALS OMG. I don't really mind so much though, I am so relieved things are going ok and that I am allowed to leave my house. So far my biggest complaint are people being pushy and bossy. Seriously, I am a reasonably smart lady. If I am enjoying a delicious cheeseburger, do not tell me it is bad for tiny Holmes. Tiny Holmes likes it, and it angers both of us for you to tell me I should be eating a salad. We eat greens every day thanks, the burger is full of delicious proteins and is one of about four foods not to give me heartburn. It does not help if you then tell me that you are "just worried about me". In exciting news, I've felt the baby move twice now. I am looking forward to a time when it is regular if only for the reassurance. I've had a hard time shaking the super worries ever since one day the doctor said everything was fine and the next night I am in the E.R. I have been feeling really lonesome lately, and am chalking it up to hormones. It seems like no matter how much social I have I still feel left out. I am thinking maybe a nice night away will help if everything goes well at the appointment

Speaking of freedom, today I went and saw 2012. It was so long, and so cliche. It was silly, predictable and corny and so not worth 8,000 won. On a side note the crazy cult church I went to for a while is now convinced that the world is ending in 2012. *sighs* Come on folks, you are a christian based cult. "Thief in the night" and all that jazz. They also think swine flu is a plague from god and that no precautions can protect you, only following the church doctrine. Back to the film - the place was PACKED. Its playing here every half hour on the weekends - two cinemas, three theaters each. People brought kids so young they needed booster seats - here is a film where 90% of the world's population dies horribly and folks bring their kids. The movie was about 3 hours long and subtitled here. That was an awesome combo.

Heather, the super awesome lady, sent me a wonderful pile of candy and books! I am starting with the Horlarious ones. So far I've gone through Closed Circle, about a bunch of sadist film stars who have a drug magic cult to counteract the effects of Charles Manson (??) and mostly just kidnap hippies and then sexually torture them and use a series of pipes to expand their rectums until they could accommodate a horse. A kind of psychic lady develops a split personality, 'sees' their behavior, and they are eventually exposed. I am midway through DEMOGORGON, which is less silly and better written despite the cover. So far its about the evolution of demons and part demons to make the antichrist, and the greek guy and bastard offspring of some deomon beast hybrid thing who are trying to outrun/outsmart the thing/s. Ok, so its still super silly, but not *as* silly, and not nearly as low budget s&m porny. Lest you think I only read horrible books - or that Heather secretly thinks I am too dumb to tell the difference - she also sent me some really good looking novels, but I am saving them for after the funny bad ones! I've been knitting again, I am going to try to do some stuff for folks around here for christmas. We'll see I guess, how that goes.

We have given into Wicket about the bed for now - I got up in the night and saw her shivering in her little dog bed, so we are letting her back in until her hair gets longer. The dog shirts aren't enough. She really is a good dog. She doesn't chew stuff up, and she doesn't bark or growl. She is getting better about licking people a lot, and we are working on the jumping. She comes when she is called, and she loves to cuddle or play, or go for walks. Aside from her vengence poop in the hallway last week she hasn't had an accident in ages. Go team Wicket <3.
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