Blaaah. Ok. This is the extent of my online time tonight.
tousled_quill I am not going to be on tonight! (further than this) Because, I leave for Cali tomorrow morning around 5 a.m. So, I will do my very best to get online when I stop tomorrow (assuming I stop somewhere with wifi).
And lastly, I went and saw Superman Returns today. I'm not quite sure if I liked it, but I was struck with this:
Superman Returns Drabble
Title: Flying
Pairing: Superman/Lois (omg, duh)
Rating: PG? (Is all of this really necessary for a drabble??)
Summary: It was perhaps, she mused, the best feeling in the world.
Word Count: 100
It was perhaps, she mused, the best feeling in the world. The enveloping warmth of him barricaded her from any and all cold that might have otherwise bothered her. The total freedom of these moments takes her breath away. And how many other girls could claim to have actually touched the clouds with trembling fingertips? But Lois knows, as her cold toes touch down onto the rough surface of the Daily Planet’s roof, that it also the worst feeling in the world.
“Will we see you… around?"
“I’m always around. Goodnight, Lois.”
And her heart is off, flying, once more.
And, with that, goodnight!