tiredest of ALL tireds.

Mar 23, 2009 21:58

today i am SLEEPYYYY. why did i stay up half the night?! having been SO job hunty for so long suddenly everyone wants a piece of me(at). i'm not sure how i will make all my jobs fit together, but i think it will only be hard for about three weeks and then will get easier and then MONEY. which is good because right now i have none. in literal ( ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

nur_spass March 23 2009, 23:27:11 UTC
I am SO excited that you have come back to us!! xx


freaky_friday March 23 2009, 23:30:22 UTC
haha, thank you! your newish account is not yet my friend.....this will be rectified now. fyi i have a german friend called marie and i regularly sing joachim deutschland at her which, as i'm sure you can imagine, she finds HILARIOUS. xx


nur_spass March 26 2009, 18:20:55 UTC
I hope we are LJ friends now!
I love the fact that you sing that to her - she must be so happy you are her friend!! :)
I wish you weren't so far away. Come baaaack!! xx


freaky_friday March 26 2009, 22:04:46 UTC
we are i think! woop! hehe she is SO happy i'm her friend. she makes me say 'schmoll' all the time because apparently it's funny when foreign people say it...i don't get it! she's funny though, and not really a schlampe or a drecksau. how is life treating you? where are you working? i am working translating crap and giving random foreign people tours of companies. it's more complicated than that but not that much. i had a day of walking around the whole city with a group of people who HATED me. so that was nice! i'll be back in leomonth i think! x


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