Title: Every Heart Should Have A Beat
Fandom: The Social Network
Rating: NC-17 (\O/)
Pairing(s): Mark/Eduardo
Warnings: a whole lotta schmoop, like cavity inducing schmoop; Dustin being a yetta, Sean being helpful, Chris being irritated; possible OC-ness but I hope not too horrible.
Word Count: 12,500 +
Summary: They've made it to where they are. Married and together and happy about it. But Mark can't seem to find the words he needs to, he wants to tell Eduardo. It's a story about two people finding their footing in their relationship and loving all the way through it. "One sees clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye."
Notes: I have no idea. This just happened. It's a sequel to my
tsn_springfest story
don't love you (but i always will). But you don't need to read that to get this. Mark has lots of feelings. Eduardo does too. Thank you to my amazing artist
chosenfire28 for her patience. (Gmail is evil!) Check out her art
here and leave lots of love! As always
wouldbedorothy is the most stellar of beta's! I LOVE YOU. Hope you all enjoy. <3
chosenfire28 |
Part One |
Part Two|