Where ever it says "sarang haeyo", change, and it will take the place of the word "comment", and I put a bunch of random spaces in so that you would be able to see the code. Just random spots, like at There are different ones, but if there is any space between something and a carrot, delete it. Ask me if you have anymore questions.
Comments 2
< tr>
< td align="center" colspan="2" width="100%" bgcolor="%%color:weak_back%%" class="comments">
%%readlink%% sarang haeyo
< /td>
< /tr>
FRIENDS_TALK_READLINK= >[ %%messagecount%%< /a> ]
< tr>
< td align="center" colspan="2" width="100%" bgcolor="%%color:weak_back%%" class="comments" >
%%readlink%%sarang haeyo
< /td>
< /tr>
DAY_TALK_READLINK=>[ < a href="%%urlread%%">%%messagecount%%< /a> ]
< tr>
< td align="center" colspan="2" width="100%" bgcolor="%%color:weak_back%%" class="comments">
%%readlink%% sarang haeyo
< /td>
< /tr>
Where ever it says "sarang haeyo", change, and it will take the place of the word "comment", and I put a bunch of random spaces in so that you would be able to see the code. Just random spots, like at There are different ones, but if there is any space between something and a carrot, delete it. Ask me if you have anymore questions.
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