LJ Idol week 7 prompt: bupkis
Step One: find a jar.
[Image: a line of clear mason jars, graduating in height from tallest on the left to smallest on the right, with bokeh greenery and sunlight in the background]
Step Two: put a pile of glitter in your jar. Be sure to use craft glitter not makeup glitter (the latter tends to form unsightly clumps).
[Image: two lines of clear vials filled with various colors of glitter]
Step Three: fill the jar with water and some pretty food coloring. Cap it tightly.
[Image: three glass bowls filled with water and food coloring that is forming arabesques and abstract patterns]
Step Four: shake it and think of nothing.
[Image: a young white child with light brown hair is looking intently at a large mason jar filled with bright blue water and glitter]*
The idea is that when you shake the jar, by the time the glitter settles, you should feel calm again. Centered. Grounded.
I love this idea of DIY zen. Of course, it's notable that I'm a spiritual person. I meditate regularly. I burn incense when I take walks by the river. I let my mind slip into quiet while watching the patterns in the smoke. I drink tea and stretch my limits. But I also think that you don't have to be spiritual to be interested in centering yourself or emptying your mind. Everybody needs a coping mechanism (or three).
Meditation is about thinking of nothing. This is more difficult than one might expect. (Quick, don't think about wombats!) But it's a really important skill to learn. Consider meditation a palate cleanser; it can abolish a bad taste in your mind or negativity you acquire over the course of a day. Just close your eyes, clear your mind, and think of nothing. Relax. Breathe. Bupkis.
* I found out about meditation jars from
pacing while praying ♥
you are beautiful ♥
digging for buried crap ♥
we should all be narcissists ♥
ˌɪnkənˈsiːvəbl̩ ♥
juicy memories ♥