
Sep 01, 2004 11:01

i never know how i am. i get to points in my life where i think i know how i will react to things, why my moods change when they do. i guess i still havent reached that point yet. i think a lot of people dont take me as serious as i am. maybe they do, but my mind doesnt let me believe that. which is really frustrating..when i express things it ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

zig_zag_420 September 6 2004, 11:14:21 UTC
i agree...people only say me as a tweeker for the longest time. i still had dreams and ambitions, i still worried about other people...so people saw me as boyfriend stealer-fuck those people, the last thing i wanted to do was be a homerecker, most people saw me as a lazy pot head..DAMN STRIAT!!!! j/k, yeah i was a pot head, but i wasnt lazy any more than the other person.

its hard to express your self as YOURSELF, but it becomes a lot easier when your not in school, surrounded by simlpe minded people who are steriotypical and pass that sort of judgement on others.

i get you, maybe thats because i lived with you most of our lives, and i love you...but i can also picture you in 15 years, and understand how you will most likly be. can you see me in 15 years??? i cant!!!


fred_bob September 6 2004, 20:05:34 UTC
haha you know..i cant picture you in 15 years..but for you i think that is an ok thing...i love you. i miss our time together more than anything, yor the only person who can make me really laugh..you laughing the same way too..ha..knowing that this laugh is like no other, and can become this laugh by any other..later man


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