Don Deluise. How did you not die from not seeing Jenna while you were all the way in Seattle ;)?
One thing about georgia is that apartments are really cheap. Compared to Amherst. Of course, a grovery store job here would only get you $5.15 an hour so it more than works out :(
Overall, though, I'd say cost of living would easily be higher in Seattle. Rent in a shared place is more or less the same between the two areas, but the sales tax being nearly double what it is here is a fucking pain.
Don Deluise is an awesome car, she just really enjoys watching me make a fool of myself when I try to drive her. She's kind of a cold sadistic bitch... but I love her anyway.
go with Don Deluise. it's much sexier. Hondas should have sexy names (...mine was named Dolores). Speaking of Hondas, i met the head of their modelmaking department them the other day. I'm going to go work with him this morning. he's cool. Skuzz misses you. i will have to send you pictures of her, she's gotten big and pretty.
freddeeee! speaking of cars and a response i posted last week, i hope "the daily show" was fun, we watched it here and found it hilarious. and do you still have your old phone number?
The Daily Show was so much fun. I'll post an entry about it soon. And yeah, I still have my phone number. I need your and James' information (email addresses, address, and your cell number) again cause I managed to lose the business card he gave them to me on (cause I suck).
Comments 13
And also...I found that really hot picture of Trent you were telling me about. It's on my computer. Want me to email it to you?
Good luck on house/job searching! Everything will be okay!
Yeah... I hope so. Stuff's not working out the way I hoped, but I'll figure something out.
How did you not die from not seeing Jenna while you were all the way in Seattle ;)?
One thing about georgia is that apartments are really cheap. Compared to Amherst. Of course, a grovery store job here would only get you $5.15 an hour so it more than works out :(
Yeah... the cost of living is pretty high here, but then so is minimum wage. Fucking lucky bastards in Washington make $7.63... grrr.
DON DELUIS! Good name for what I'm sure is a good car.
I'm going to give you a call in a few days because we havent talked in a while.
Good deal, I definately want to hear from you.
Skuzz misses you. i will have to send you pictures of her, she's gotten big and pretty.
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