Title: Ten Things Franz Hates About Living With Freddy and Davey (And One Reason He Stays)
Rating: PG-13 for lots and lots of swearing. (Now in two languages and high def!)
Characters/Pairing: Franz, Freddy/Davey
Notes: It's been a quiet summer for you, all three or so readers! Louise and I have been working on the epic story of When Freddy and
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Comments 3
So I just read this whole series in one big gulp, AND IT BLEW MY MIND. Everything that's written is just so REAL to me, and it is the major part of why I love this, other than the fact that they are FREAKIN' ADORABLE! And I love your Scott (I've taken to calling him capslock!baby is my head he's just too cute.)
Seriously, I feel like I should be telling randoms on the street about this, it's that epically awesome.
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