Torchwood drabble, possibly occurring the same night as
Holly ,nothing owned
She was dog-tired. They’d averted another crisis. The citizens of Cardiff, and the rest of the world, had survived to live another day, without knowing that they had ever been in peril. Just the way the team liked it. No loose ends.
She parked the car, hunching her shoulders against the cold. She squinted at her mobile, almost 7:30, nearly dawn. Gwen huffed, yet again she’d be getting home just as Rhys was leaving for work, no time for a cuddle, let alone a bit of hanky-panky.
Caught in the beam of the street light, she saw a single white flake fall. She couldn’t help but grin. Cold as she was, she stuck out her gloved hand and caught the next. On impulse, she stuck out her tongue and sure enough a snowflake landed. She giggled.
Strong arms embraced her. His face muzzled against hers.
“Knew you’d be doing that!” he laughed and spun her round to face him.
“Think we’ll get a snow day?”
“That’d be nice.”
She smiled at his enthusiasm, at the suggestive leer in his voice.
“I’m sorry I didn’t get back last night.”
“Hey! None of that now. Everything okay?”
“Yeah, no worries.”
The flakes were swirling down faster and faster. The pavement had already disappeared. A light frosting covered Rhys’s hair and eyebrows.
“Got time for a cuppa before work?”
“Yep, and fingers crossed for a day off.”
He wound his arm around her waist and they walked the few remaining metres to their door.