{{Drabble}} Savior :: Lay Claim :: Not What You Wear

Apr 09, 2011 11:55

Title: Savior
Characters/Pairing:  Jounouchi Katsuya, Kujaku Mai, Yami no Marik, Kaiba Mokuba. Polarshipping.
Table: Law & Order
Prompt: drabble123 #18 Imprison | 100_colours #20 Golden
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Notes:  This is a crossover with LoZ:OoT. And no, this game isn't a hand-held one...but it's going to be? Oh well, maybe rich big brother made one early for a present.

Entering the coliseum, he faced the masked beauty, who helped him come this far through her songs and encouragement. Now she tore off her mask, and he gasped to recognize the lost princess! It was her all along? He thought he'd seen the last of her on that island!

Once again she was there, offering him help. This time in the form of a golden card. But no! An hourglass appeared from thin air and encased her, and he couldn't break it however he pounded! An insane cackle called, the world went black---

“Big brother! The batteries died again!”


Title: Lay Claim
Characters/Pairing: Bakura Ryou, Marik Ishtar, Yami no Bakura. Tornshipping.
Table: Law & Order
Prompt: drabble123 #08 Possession | 100_colours #08 White
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Notes: How many variations of confused Bakura can I write?

“Get your hands off him!”

“Why so possessive? You should learn to share.”

“You have no right claiming him.”

“Maybe he'd want me to take-”

“Guys?” Bakura peeked in the room, frowning to see the former spirit and Ghoul leader crouched over a box of his Monster World figures. “What are you doing?”

The pair dropped their ire to share a mutual look of design before throwing synchronized innocent faces to the boy, now regretting his intercede.


After he shut the door they returned to slapping hands away from the white mage.


Title: Not What You Wear
Characters/Pairing: Mutou Yuugi, Yami no Yuugi. Puzzleshipping.
Table: Law & Order
Prompt: drabble123 #13 Uniform | 100_colours #02 Pink
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Notes:  Why do all my gs!Yuugi's have skirt-hate?? ..well, skirt-on-self-hate.

“Why'd the break have to end?” she whined to her reflection, tugging a fist of skirt down over her thigh. “As if the tests aren't bad enough. Having to run around in this again...”

“You look fine-” her mirror answered, hovering over her real self with an assuring grin. “Another bracelet and you're good to go.”

“You would say that,” she grumbles, then goes quiet to look up over her shoulder. Even with a huge blue bow cushioning the puzzle, same skirt over black tights, dripping in pink- “But you could pull off anything.”

mutou yuugi, 100_colours, marik ishtar, yami no yuugi, kujaku mai, drabble123, bakura ryou, fic, yami no bakura, kaiba mokuba, yami no marik, prompts, yugioh, jounouchi katsuya

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