Lost and Alias-ness

Mar 30, 2005 22:16

On Lost:

--Rock! Locke made a trebuchet! I learned about those watching entirely too much Mythbusters on the Discovery Channel. You can chuck a car with one of those things. It's incredibly cool.

--Boone: "I can't even spell trebuchet." Of course you can't, sweetie. You're cute but dumb. That's your job.

--It's a Locke-back. Aww, he works in a toy store with his incredibly bad hairpiece. I played with Mousetrap as a kid. That thing never went together and it drove my Dad, an engineer, absolutely batty. Sorry, not about the show.

--And the trebuchet...it doesn't work. Shocking. Oh, giant chunk of metal in Locke's leg! Icky. I'm not good with blood.

--It's that creepy redheaded lady. What else have I seen her in? It's gonna drive me nuts. Oh, she's Locke's mom? She's what, two years older than he is? Whatever. And his daddy is...the midiclorians? Or God? Riiiiight. I've got a Skywalker over here who wants her admittedly dumb storyline back.

--And now Locke is poking himself with pins and burning himself and nothing hurts. That's not good.

--Called that being a dream sequence when Boone started having a spine and opinions and disagreements and stuff. But the blood? Totally creepy.

--Locke drives a VW Bug? Seriously? That's so cool. Locke!Dad is on dialysis? Oh, he's gonna use you, John. Don't do it, don't do it!

--Locke's on his mission/quest/thing. Boone's not so impressed until he hears about Theresa. Teresa? Does how her name is spelled really matter?

--Yay, Jin and Michael! Learning "faster" and "idiot." Hee. Sawyer thinks he has a tumor! I will not make a Kindergarten Cop joke, I won't, I won't, I won't. *is very proud of herself*

---Eeeww with the the dead priestness. From Nigeria? The hell? I thought they were in the South Pacific? With that kind of money? Totally not a real priest.

--Jack's questions! Hee. Guess he's pissed that he didn't get to play "I Never." Prostitutes? STDs? Poor Sawyer. Jack's kinda evil, and I enjoy him much more this way. Oh, and Sawyer needs glasses.

--And now Boone gets to drag Locke through the jungle because the island is taking Locke's legs back. Bad island, bad!

--Sawyer looks like Clark Kent. Now he looks stupid. Ah, Sayid's McGuyvering a pair together for him. "It looks like somebody steamrolled Harry Potter." I love you, Hurley. And....that's the last we see of Sayid and Hurley.

--Back to LockenBoone. Oh, Theresa was Boone's nanny that fell and broke her neck by taking care of whiny little Boone. I feel bad for her already. And...there's the airplane that Locke saw in his vision. Boone climbs into it and discovers a Nigeria map and tons of Our Lady of the Heroins. Oh, God, if Charlie gets his grubby little mitts on this, he'll be in the depths of Catholic guilt the likes of which we have never seen. ("I destroyed the Mother of Christ to get more smack! The angst!")

--The radio works! "There were no survivors of flight 815" Oh shit! The plane!!!! Squashed Boone! Noooo! Well, Locke's legs seem to be working pretty good now, don't they?

--Bored by this banter. Here comes LockenBoone! Fix him Jack, fix him!

--Oh, I was right. Locke!Dad totally screwed him. Took the kidney and ran.

--Boone ain't looking good, and now Locke's back in the jungle yelling at the hatch. Yeah, that'll work....oh, God, it did work! The light came on OMG!

And Alias:

--Dancing Syd. This is our guy of the week, blah, blah diamonds, cute dialogue. "It's hard to maintain cover dancing in three inch heels." "Tell me about it." I demand fic of dancing!Vaughn. Cross-dressing dancing Vaughn, oh yeah.

--Screaming sick Mitchell. Hi, Carrie! Cranky Sloane is never good.

--Oooh, exploding hard drive. Sick Dixon. Bye, Dixon. Hope we see more of you this episode. SD-6 CIA APO is in lockdown.

--Marshall drives a Mini Cooper! Of course he does. So cute.

--Sydney in a coffin. That can't be good. Marshall's gonna rescue her! That can't be good either.

--Cry!Barbie. Okay, locked in a coffin is a decent reason to cry, Syd. This is one of three reasons you can cry. None of this crying because someone brought home the wrong ice cream or whatever.

--Man does Sloane have a stick up his ass this morning. This is the Sydney Show, dude. Get with the program.

--Creepy Cuban lady checking out Marshall. Heh.

--Nice clean shot to the head. Oh, Syd!babble. That can't be good.

--Wow, that's about a billion graves to check through. That totally sucks.

--"I do this for you guys all the time." Heh, techies represent.

--"Your other North." Hee.

--Mmm...sweaty Marshall. Except not so much with the mmm, really.

--"We could send in someone else." Will he be in three inch heels?

--Singing Marshall, so cute. Oh, Carrie's gonna be pissed.

--"Bristow, Jack Bristow." And that guy totally insulted him in German. And I understood it! Go me. Go, go German speaking Marshall!

--Marshall killed Ulrich. "You have to cut out his eyes." Ewwww. With a spork! Heh. So much with the ewww.

--And now we're back in LA and Marshall is filled with much guilt.

--Cute episode, and I'm not normally filled with the Marshall love. Needs more Sark, though :)
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