Because I know you all have been waiting....

Apr 06, 2005 11:58

My thoughts on American Idol? God, were we bored. J at one point started yelling "bored!" at the screen.

Oh--a nice thing about a projector? Six feet of Constantine. Shut up. I can be shallow, too. The same six feet of Paul Sedaka? Not nearly as nice. *shudder*

I was filled with "eh" for the theme, though. These guys just don't have the pipes for musicals. (Except for Constantine. Come over here Constantine and hide from Evil Drunk Paula.)

My predictions: Bottom three are Scott (so much with the eww), Anwar (he just irritates the crap out of me and sounds a bit like a singing goat), and Anthony (semi-see through shirt singing "Climbing Every Mountain"? Hell no. Oh, and he reminded me of Draco Malfoy if Malfoy were a) real b) really, really drunk and singing. Heh. Malfoy on Idol. Lucius would totally disown him.)

And The Amazing Race.

Dammit, dammit, dammit. *puts on furry hat and sunglasses, sulks in a corner*

I got J to watch along with me and he was all "eh" in the beginning, but was sitting on the sofa yelling at Meredith and Gretchen along with me by the end. *cackles evilly* Another convert, yay!

The gay boys were so cute this week! Not bitching constantly about Romber goes a long way in my book. And since the brothers are gone (*sob*), I have to root for someone.

Much love to Uchenna and Joyce, though. I totally would have been the same way--all those animals? Get out the camera, baby.

Can we kick Kelly, please? Sooo irritating. Gives the name "Kelly" a bad reputation. Not that I have a particularly vested interest in that or anything, but jeez, lady. With the whining and the non-goat milking and the whining. Oh, and the heaving bosoms. The Lord called--he says to cover those girls up, please. And to stop talking about Him on television.

Rob and Amber this week--there are such a good team together. They really know how to work together. Heck, all of the teams except for meltdown-y Ron and Kelly were really supportive of each other this week.

Although Lynn and Alex going through two separate cars this week? Kinda hysterical. And their expressions at the Big Bath Mat? Totally classic.

Wah. I'll miss my boys.
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