If he's anything like his predecessors with the name, that is...
St. Benedict, the man that the popes who took his name are modeling themselves after, was pretty darn cool. Considered the father of western monks, St. Benedict, and later through the Benedictine order that took his name, is a huge reason for the spread of Christianity through Europe in the five hundred years following the death of Christ. He was one of the first, and finest, Church scholars. Leaving the politics of Rome (being torn by debate over the wording of the Nicene Creed, which would eventually lead to the schism between the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church), Benedict withdrew from the world and established the model for what would define the Christian monastic tradition (living apart from the world in celibacy). He wrote up a series of Rules, a guideline for living with God in an imperfect world.
Benedict I (575-79): Took the name of Benedict in the year of St. Benedict's death. Reigned when the Lombards (Germanic tribe all about smacking around Italy) were attacking papal lands and Rome from the north. The government was only able to provide short-lived relief and eventually Benedict died in the famine that hit Rome. I can totally see, based on this glorious reign, why 15 other guys chose to name themselves Benedict.
Benedict II (684-85) (sainted): Was delayed in becoming pope by almost a full year while waiting for Emperor Constantine to approve the appointment. He restored many of the churches in Rome. I see no reason why he became a saint.
Benedict III (855-58): Was embroiled in a fight with King Lothair, who insisted on retaining the right to give approval for any pope. Because Benedict didn't agree to this, King Lothair appointed an anti-pope, Anastasius Bibliothecarius, who everyone ignored. This helped firmly establish the split between church and state.
In some medieval accounts, Pope Joan was the successor to Leo IV, not Benedict III. Going under the name Pope John Anglicus, she is believed to have reigned for two years before her identity was revealed as she gave birth to a child while riding between St. Peter's Cathedral and the Lateran Palace. Wow, is Catholic history screwed up.
Benedict IV (900-903): The history of Benedicts IV-IX is very murky, mostly because of the constant burning and pillaging that was happening in Rome for the next hundred years. The only interesting thing that Benedict IV did in his three years as pope was to crown Louis the Blind as emperor (Louis became blind after breaking a promise (that he made in 902) to never again invade Italy (which he did in 905). He was captured and sent back across the Alps without his eyes. Isn't history fun?
Benedict V (964): Pope Benedict V lasted for entire month. Emperor Otto I had deposed the pope two before this Benedict and had forcibly installed Leo VII as the successor. He wasn't at all popular in Rome, though, and the people of the city expelled him from the city as soon as possible and elected Benedict. Otto was furious, marched on Rome, reinstalled Leo VII and took Benedict back to Germany. Benedict died in Germany.
Benedict VI (973-974): Appointed, like Leo VII, by Emperor Otto I, Benedict VI was strangled to death by a priest when Otto died. Oops.
Benedict VII (974-983): The papacy of Benedict VII was undermined by antipope Boniface VII who was constantly undermining Benedict's authority and calling him names behind his back. Benedict had Boniface excommunicated but it didn't do any good.
Benedict VIII (1012-24): Benedict VIII's family was heavily involved in Roman politics, and his election to the papacy led to antipope Gregory VI. Gregory disappeared when German king Henry II recognized Benedict as pope, and Benedict returned the favor by crowning Henry emperor.
Benedict IX (1033-1044, 1045): It's suggested that Benedict IX was the nephew of the pope who preceded him and was only 12 years old when he became pope. His papacy was interrupted by the reign of Sylvester III because Benedict was so corrupt, but Sylvester didn't last very long and soon Benedict was back in power.
Benedict X (1058): An antipope.
Blessed Benedict XI (1303-1304): Might've been a great guy, but is widely considered to have been a lousy pope. Lasting eight months, he proved himself unable to stand up to the power of King Philip IV of France. Philip continued to fight against the legitimacy of the pope who had preceded Benedict XI (and who had excommunicated Philip). By taking the name Benedict XI, this demonstrates that even those considered antipopes were not always regarded as invalid rulers of the Church.
Benedict XII (1334-42): Pope Benedict XII focused on reforming certain aspects of the Church, particularly some of the luxuries enjoyed by members of the monastic orders and ways in which clergy weren't living up to the standards set for them. This made him, of course, hugely popular. Except not. These reform efforts failed.
Benedict XIII (1394-1423): An antipope during the Great Schism (where there were two popes for a period of many years: one in Rome, one in Avignon). He was the most able of all the popes and antipopes of the period, but was completely unwilling to abdicate at the Council of Pisa (the plan was to end the schism by deposing both of the popes currently claiming the title and elect a new one), and soon only Scotland, Sicily, Castile, and Aragon were proclaiming him pope. He was deposed by the council in 1417, and Benedict, forsaken by all but his household, claimed to be the rightful pope until he died.
Benedict XIV (1424) (anti-pope): An antipope who disappeared almost as quickly as he appeared.
Benedict XIII (1724-30): First went by Benedict XIV because he thought of thirteen as an unlucky number. He went back to the work of Benedict XII in the 1300s to end the elaborate lifestyles of the Italian priesthood and the cardinalate. That didn't work, and neither did his efforts in international matters. While he himself was beyond reproach, his associates, especially Cardinal Coscia, made huge money selling church offices and taking bribes.
Benedict XIV (1740-58) (sainted): His pontificate coincided at a point when Europeans were turning against the Church (yes, again). He forbade the forcible baptism of Jewish and pagan children, which was an incredibly liberal position for him to have taken, especially given how conservative he was in liturgical matters. He is considered the greatest scholar among the popes, and his writings still regulate the process of beatification and canonization of saints.
Benedict XV (1914-22): Pope during WWI. His efforts to remain neutral during the conflict made both sides think he was aiding the enemy. He was also active in trying to unify all of Christianity under one leader (shockingly, himself). He tried to bring to the Eastern Orthodox churches under Roman control as well.
In other words, color me concerned about our new pontiff.