Flist icon drabbles Part 10

Jul 29, 2005 15:20

50 drabbles. 5,016 words. 21 fandoms.

Almost halfway through the friendslist.

I've loved all of my drabbles, but I think some of the ones for today are some of my favorites so far. These five (for folk, foresthouse, fox1013, frikatilhi, and, well, me), cover West Wing, Lost, Lotrips, and the Muppets.

folk, (West Wing, CJ, 100 words)

CJ dealt with the press corps all day, carefully watching what she said, spinning words and their meanings until they spun like tops.

She felt no need to be that cautious with her language with fellow staffers. When Sam finally slunk into her office to tell her about his encounters with the call girl, CJ had a brief, horrible flash of the front page headline for the Post when this story inevitably leaked, and then let him have it: “Wow, are you stupid.”

She ignored the kicked-puppy expression on his face. He was a grown-up, and she wasn’t his mother.

foresthouse, (Lost, Sawyer, 100 words)

The headache’s fading and it’s easier to read the words on that piece of paper, but I’m not in a mood to care. Doc’s got an honest-to-God smile on his face as he looks down at me and Freckles can barely stop her giggles.

I must look like an absolute jackass.

“Dude, it looks like someone steamrolled Harry Potter,” Hurley says between snickers. I’ve never liked him much.

“You love this, don’t you?” I ask Jack.

“You’re welcome,” he says as he walks off.

I’m never reading again. A Wrinkle in Time isn’t that good.

Hell. Yeah, it is.

fox1013, (Muppets, Fozzie, 101 words)

It’s quieter without the rest of the gang. Less singing and dancing, less laughter.

He misses the noise. He misses the look on Kermit’s face when he’s trying out new jokes. He misses Rolf’s out-of-tune piano. He misses Piggy’s entrances, and Gonzo’s bizarre views on the world, and the chickens. He misses Scooter and Beaker and Dr. Honeydew and the rest of the gang.

He doesn’t miss Statler and Waldorf, but he figures that proves he’s homesick, not insane.

He’s a grown bear out to make a name for himself in the world.

He snugs his teddy closer and starts walking.

freedomfry, (Lost, Charlie, 100 words)

It’s become a nightly ritual. After Claire and Aaron fall asleep, Charlie slips away from the warmth and light of the fires and goes off into the jungle. He carefully digs up the statue he nicked on his journey with Sayid and stares at it. His hands tremble as his fingers trace the face that looks up at him in gentle, painted reproach.

He closes his eyes and prays for the strength to go one more day without cracking it open.

He’s never been one for saying no to temptation, and he’s not sure he’ll be able to start now.

frikatilhi, (Lotrips, Dom/Billy, 100 words)

Billy’d bought him the hat as a Christmas gift their first year in New Zealand. “It’s big enough to get over the wig and ears when we’re shooting in the mountains,” he’d explained. “And you’ll look a right pillock wearing it, so it’s also a gift to the rest of us.”

Dom loved it. He wore it to the beach, he wore it to clubs. It had to be forcibly removed from his head before they were seen at premieres.

Dom said he wore it because he could really work lambskin.

He treasured it because Billy gave it to him.

The previous drabbles can be found here. The next five drabbles can be found here.

west wing, freedomfry writing, lotrips, fozzie, lost, sawyer, billy, charlie, cj, dom, muppets

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