Today was really good, but extremely stressful at the same time.
I really really hope I did well on history cause that'll basically decide whethere or not I have a life/how much I can go to drama.
So yeah, then there were call backs. I was really excited about them just cause I've always liked call backs, and obviously this time it was differt. I had lots of fun with Ms.B and Alexis and I loved how they really liked my random ideas for the show and it's gonna be a fun season, i know that.
Now on to casting. And dont make a big deal of my little speech cause I really dont know how appropriate this is:
I know most everyone didnt get the part they wanted. And that's to be expected, especially in this play. But I truley am sorry for those people who got upset. I've been there, I've done that. I cant say I'm upset with the casting, it's gonna be great, including the non-leads because you are all seriously amazing actors, like I'm scared on what I have to compete with when I come back to actually be in the plays. Especially the people at the call backs, you guys rule. I was blown away by all of you because you're so talented, for real. I kinda wish we could have gone back to that whole elementry school thing where there were two people cast for each role, and each night was a different person... but obviously, that couldnt be done. This play is so strange and unique that we could have gone so many ways. Not everything was agreed on by all of us, and we were there until six trying to decide, because you guys were so good it left us stumped. Please know that it wasnt your acting ability at all, it was just what direction looked best, and even if not agreed on by all, it will surely work out with effort. Thanks for everyone who stayed until 5 or 5:30, cause you guys worked so hard and showed us what I believe looked like your best.
So I remember when I got cast in Godspell(what I thought was a stupid play) as a nothing person. Yet I had so much fun and grew a lot and got close with unexpected people. I dont really think that would have happened with a lead.
I've learned from so many past things like boys, friends, sister moving away, bad grades etc. that dwelling on things just doesnt make life all that great. I'm not gonna dwell on things that didnt make me happy today because tomorrows a new day.
I really can feel the pain for anyone who is upset by the casting, but really, take it and make it good, that is in a few days after the emotional-ness goes away. Because there's at least 5 of you who are gonna be the next Ariel, Christine, Becca, David, Neils.... and it wont be too long. You're all but flowers who havent fully bloomed(sorry for the lame cheesy-ness), and I'm right there with you, just taking a little time out.
So here's to a really good show, with a cast of new leads, crazy background "illustrastions", and three fates who are gonna knock everyones socks off.
P.S. The bold line was bold for a reason. If this offended anyone or someone doesnt think I should have put this up, dont dwell on it please. It's my journal. And I might add, this is probably the most honest entry ever. So there.
<3 All my love <3